lsvg Display all VGs
lsvg -o Display all active VGs
lsvg rootvg Display info about rootvg
lsvg -l rootvg Display info about all LVs in rootvg
lsvg -o |lsvg -il Display info about all LVs in all VGs
lsvg -p rootvg Display info about all PVs in rootvg
mkvg -s 8 hdisk1 Create VG with name vgxx on hdisk1 with partition size 8MB
mkvg -s 8 -y sivg hdisk1 Create VG with name sivg on hdisk1 with partition size 8MB
mkvg -s 4 -t 2 -y sivg hdisk1 Create sivg on hdisk1 with PP size 4 and no of partions 2 * 1016
chvg -a y newvg To cuase VG newvg automatically activated at startup
chvg -a n newvg To deactivate the automatic activation at startup
chvg -t 2 newvg To change maximum no. of PP to 2032 on vg newvg
chvg -Q n newvg To disable quorum on VG newvg
reorgvg newvg Reorganises PP allocation of VG newvg
extendvg newvg hdisk3 hdisk4 Add PV hdisk3 and hdisk4 to VG newvg
exportvg newvg Exports the VG newvg
importvg -V 44 -y newvg hdisk2 Import the hdisk2 with name newvg, and assign major number 44
redcucevg newvg hdisk3 Remove PV hdisk3 from VG newvg
varyoffvg newvg To deactviate VG newvg
varyonvg newvg To activate VG newvg
syncvg -v sivg To sync the mirrored LV in the VG sivg
mirrorvg -S -m sivg hdisk2 To mirror LVs of sivg with hdisk2 (-m for exact mirror, -S
forbackground mirror)
unmirrorvg sivg hdisk2 To remove the mirrored PV from the set.


lsfs Lists all filesystems in the /etc/filesystems entry
lsfs -q List all filesystems with detailed info
lsfs -a To list all filesystems (default)
lsfs -l Specify the output in list format
lsfs -c Specify the output in column format
lsfs -v jfs Lists all jfs filesystems
chfs -a size=24576 /si Change size of FS /si to 24576 x 512 bytes blocks (12 MB)
chfs -a size=+24576 /si Add 24576 x 512 byte blocks to FS /si
chfs -m /si /bi Change the mount point from /si to /bi
chfs -A /si To auto mount the filesystem si
chfs -d account /si Remove account attribute of /si. ( from /etc/filesystems file)
chfs -a splitcopy=/backup -a copy=2 /oracle This will mount the 2nd copy of mirrored filesystem oracle to
/backup in read-only mode
crfs -v jfs -g testvg -a size=64465 -m /siju Creates FS /siju of type jfs in VG testvg of blocksize 64465
crfs -v jfs -d /dev/lv00 -m /siju Create FS /siju of type jfs on device /dev/lv00
rmfs /siju Deletes FS /siju and associated LV
rmfs -r /siju Deletes FS /siju its mount point and associated LV
defragfs /sifs To defragment the file system /sifs
defragfs -q /sifs Display the current defrag status of the file system
fsck -y n /dev/lv00 To fsck the filesystem associated to /dev/lv00 assuming response "yes"
fsck -p /dev/lv00 To restore superblock from backup superblock


lspv hdisk0 Display status and characteristics of the PV
lspv -p hdisk0 Display PP usage of hdisk0
lspv -l hdisk0 To list all logical volumes on PV hdisk0
chpv -v r hdisk1 Close the PV (Used while removing PV without varyon)
chpv -v a hdisk1 Open the PV
chpv -c hdisk0 Clear the master boot record on PV hdisk0
migratepv hdisk1 hdisk2 To move PPs from PV hdisk1 to hdisk2
migratepv -l silv hdisk1 hdisk2 To migrate LV silv from PV hdisk1 to hdisk2


lslv -l lv00 Display info about LV by PV
lslv -p hdisk1 Display LV allocation map for hdisk1
chlv -t copy lv00 To change the lv00 to copy type
chlv –n silv lv00 To rename lv00 to silv
chlv -p r lv00 To change the lv00 to readonly mode
rmlv silv To remove silv
rmlv -f silv To remove silv without user intervention
mklv -s n -c 3 silv hdisk1 To make LV silv with three copies on hdisk1
extendlv silv 5 To extend the LV silv with 5 LPs
mklvcopy -s n lvsi 2 hdisk1 To mirror LV lvsi on same PV with 2 copies
mklvcopy lvsi 3 hdisk1 hdisk2 To mirror LV lvsi on PV hdisk1 and hdisk2 with 3 copies
rmlvcopy lvsi 2 hdisk1 Will remove one copy of LV lsvi from hdisk1
mklv -t jfslog -y log00 newvg 2 To create a jfslog with name log00 on VG newvg with 2LPs
mklv -y test_lv -t jfs2 rootvg 120
logform /dev/log00 To format jfslog volume log00


bootlist -m normal -o To see the boot sequence in normal mode
bootlist -m service -o To see the boot sequence in service mode
bootlist -m normal cd0 hdisk0 To change boot sequence to cd0,hdisk0 in normal mode
bootlist -m service cd0 rmt0 hdisk0 To change boot sequence to cd0,rmt0,hdisk0 in service mode
bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk1 To create boot image on PV hdisk1
mkboot -cd /dev/hdisk1 To clear the boot image
bootinfo -b Specifies the bootable disk
bootinfo - t Specifies the type of boot
bootinfo -e Check the machine can boot from tape
bootinfo -T To see the machine hardware type
bootinfo -s hdisk0 To see the size of hdisk0
bootinfo -r To see the size of memory
bootinfo –k To see the key position
bootinfo –m To see the machine model code
bootinfo –o hdisk0 To list the location code of hdisk0
bootinfo –z To see the machine is multiprocessor capable
bootinfo –p To see the machine


lsps -a To list out all paging spaces
lsps hd6 To display the details of the paging space h6
chps -a y paging00 To turn on the paging space paging00
chps -a n paging00 To turn off the paging space paging00
chps -s4 paging00 To increase the size of the paging space in 4 LP blocks
mkps -a -n -s4 sivg To create a paging space on VG sivg of 4 LP size (-s4) and activate it
immediately (-n) and activate it at every restarts
rmps paging00 To remove the paging space paging00
swapon -a To invoke all entries in /etc/swapspaces file
swapon /dev/paging00 To make available swap space paging00
mklv -y paging00 -t paging rootvg 64
swapon /dev/paging00
lsps -a


sysdumpdev -l To list the current dump destination
sysdumpdev -L List the details of the previous dump
sysdumpstart -p Starts dump in the primary dump device
sysdumpstart -s Starts dump in the secondary dump device
sysdumpdev -p /dev/lv00 To make lv00 as primary dump device
sysdumpdev -P -p /dev/lv00 To make lv00 as primary dump device permanently
sysdumpdev -s /dev/rmt0 To make rmt0 as secondary dump device
sysdumpdev -z To determine a new system dump occurred

Device related commands

cfgmgr To configure devices and installs device software in system
cfgmgr -l vscsi0 To configure the components connected to the vscsi0 interface
lscfg To display config, diagnostics and vital product definition info
lscfg -l mem0 Display info about device mem0
lscfg -l ent* Display info about all Ethernet cards
lscfg -v Display vpd
lscfg -v -l hdisk0 Display vpd of hdisk0
mkdev -l rmt0 To change device rmt0 from defined state to available state
lsdev -P To lists all supported devices
lsdev -P -c disk To list all supported disks
lsdev -P -r class To display supported class
lsdev -P -r subclass To display all sub class
lsdev -C To lists all configured devices
lsdev -C -l mem0 To display the properties of mem0
chdev -l sys0 -a maxproc=100 To change default maxproc value to 100
chdev -l rmt0 -a blocksize=512 To change the block size to 512
chdev -l rmt0 -a ret=no To avoid tape retension
rmdev -l rmt0 To remove the device rmt0
rmdev -d -l rmt0 To remove the device totally from database
rmdev -l rmt0 -S To change the state of the device stopped
lsparent -C -k rs232 To display possible parent devices which accept rs232 devices
lsparent -C -l hdisk0 To display parent devices which accept child device hdisk0
lsattr -Dl rmt0 To see the default values of the device rmt0
lsattr -El rmt0 To see the current values of the device rmt0
lsattr -El tty0 -a login -R To see all possible values of the login attribute of tty0
lsconn -p scsi0 To list all possible connection scsi0 can accept
lvlstmajor To list the available major numbers
mknod /dev/null c 2 2 Create null device with major (2) and minor (2) nos. (c - char device)

Console emulation commands

lscons To list the current console
lscons -b To list the console at next boot
chcons /dev/tty3 To change the console to tty3
chcons -a login=enable /dev/tty3 Redirect console to tty3 and provide login prompt
swcons /dev/tty3 To change system console to tty3 temporarily
alog -L –t console To see the current attributes of log type console
alog –t console –o To see the console messages
alog –t boot –o To see the boot time messages

Installation specific commands

lslpp -l To see the details of installed file sets
lslpp -ha* To list the installation history of all file set in packages
lslpp -f bos.rte To list the files in the bos.rte package
lslpp -w /etc/hosts To list the file set which contain /etc/hosts file
lslpp -p To list the pre requisites for file set
installp -L -d /dev/rmt0.1 To list the installable products on the device rmt0
installp -aX -d /dev/rmt0.1 To install all filesets within and expands file system if it requires
installp -u To remove
installp -r To reject the applied software
installp -c -f To commit the
installp -C To cleanup an incomplete installation
lppchk -c To check the
instfix -k IX9999 -d /dev/rmt0.1 To install the file set associated with fix IX9999 from rmt0
instfix -ik IX9999 To verify fix IX9999 installed

instfix -i

Network related commands

host Resolves ip to host name (from /etc/hosts file)
host ibm Resolve ibm to ip address (from /etc/hosts file)
hostname ibm To change the host name to ibm
entstat en0 To the status of ethernet device en0
entstat -d en0 To list the detailed status of device en0
no -a To list all net configurable attributes and their values
no -d thewall To change thewall parameter to its default value
no -o ipforwarding=1 To make the machine as router in tcpip networks
traceroute ibm To trace the route to ibm
ping ibm To tcp ping to the machine ibm
ifconfig -a To show the status of all network interfaces
ifconfig en0 To show the status of en0
ifconfig en0 up Turns on network card en0
ifconfig en0 down Turns off network card en0
ifconfig en0 detach Removes en0 card from the network interface list
ifconfig en0 inet netmask up
Configure en0 starts immediately
ifconfig en0 alias Create alias ip address for en0
route add 0 To make as default gateway for entire network
route add To make 13.7 as gateway for 12.0 network
route -f To clear the gateway table
chdev -l inet0 -a hostname=si To change the host name to si permanently
netstat -a To show the state of all sockets
netstat -c To show the network buffers cache
netstat -D To show the net drops of packets
netstat -i To display interface statistics
netstat -r To show the routing table
netstat -rn To show routing table (ip will be given instead of host names)
netstat -s To show the statistics of the protocols
netstat -s -p < tcp/udp/ipv6> To show the statistics of respective protocols

 /usr/sbin/no -a |fgrep ephemeral - Network Tuning

Space usage commands

du -k To list number of bytes in 1k blocks
du -l To list number of bytes in 512 bytes blocks
du -s To list only the total disk usage in the current directory
df -i To display no of free and used inodes
df -k To display diskspace in 1024 bytes format

Backup commands

mksysb -i -X /dev/rmt0 Creates and system backup (-X expands /tmp if required)
mksysb -m /dev/rmt0 Creates file with map file and system backup
mksysb -e /dev/rmt0 Creates system data but excludes the files listed in /etc/exclude.rootvg
mkszfile Creates / file
mkcd -d /dev/cd1 Creates system boot backup to the CD-R device /dev/cd1
mkcd -d /dev/cd1 -v vg00 Creates backup of vg vg00 to CD-R device /dev/cd1
mkcd -d /dev/cd1 -G Creates generic boot backup
savevg -i -f /dev/rmt0 vg00 Creates image file and backup vg vg00
savevg -ef /dev/rmt0 vg00 Creates vg00 backup but excludes files listed in the /etc/exclude.vg00
find / -print | backup -ivf /dev/rmt0 Backup entire system to rmt0
backup -0vf /dev/rmt0 /home Backup /home directory to rmt0 with backup level 0
restore -Tvf /dev/rmt0 List the archive in rmt0
restore -xvf /dev/rmt0 /home Restore /home from archive in device rmt0
find ./home -print |cpio -ocvumB > /dev/rmt0
Archives /home directory
cpio -icvdumB < /dev/rmt0 Restores cpio archive from rmt0
cpio -ivt < /dev/rmt0 List the contents of cpio archive from rmt0
cpio -icvd < /dev/rmt0 /home Restores /home directory from rmt0
tar -cvf /dev/rmt0 /home Archives /home to rmt0 device
tar -tvf /dev/rmt0 List the archives in rmt0
tar -xvf /dev/rmt0 /home Extract /home from rmt0
dd if=si of=si1 conv=ebcdic Convert and copy ascii file si to ebcdic si1
dd if=/dev/rmt0 ibs=512 obs=1024 of=/dev/rmt1
To copy blocks from rmt0 with 512 blocks to rmt1 with 1024 blocks
tctl -f /dev/rmt0 rewind To rewind the tape
tctl -f /dev/rmt0 offline To eject the tape
tctl -f /dev/rmt0 status To show the status of tape
chdev -l rmt0 -a block_size=512 To change the block size of the tape to 512

Print commands

qchk -q To display the default q
qchk -P lp0 To display the status of the printer lp0
qchk -# 123 To display the status of job number 123
qchk -A To display the status of all queues
qcan -x 123 To cancel the print job 123
qcan -X -P lp0 To cancel all jobs submitted to lp0
qpri -#570 -a 25 To change the priority of the job to 25
qhld # 569 To hold the job 569
qhld -r -#569 To remove holding from 569
qmov -m lpa -#11 To move the job 11 to queue lpa
enable psq To enable queue psq
disable psq To disable queue psq
cancel -#111 To cancel job 111
lpstat To display the status all queues
lpstat -p lp0 To display the status of print queue lp0
lpstat -u root To display the jobs submitted by user root
lpq -P lp0 To display the status of queue lp0

last To list all the records in the /var/adm/wtmp file
last |grep shutdown To show the shutdown sessions
uptime (w -u ) To show how long the system has been up

Licensing commands

oslevel To list the operating system level
lslicense To see the number of license
chlicense -u30 To change the fixed user license to 30
chlicense -f on To enable floating user license

User commands

id To list all system identifications for current user
id -gn To list the default group for current user
id -Gn To list all system groups for current user
lsuser root To list the attribute of user root
lsuser ALL To list the attributes of all users
lsuser -a HOME ALL To list the home directory of all users
lsuser -a ALL To list all usernames
lsuser -a auth1 auth2 ALL To list the authentication method for all users
lsuser -a expires ALL To list expiry date
lsuser -a account_locked ALL To check account lock status of all users
chuser -a login=true san To enable the user san
chuser -a rlogin=true san Enable san to login remotely
mkuser si Creates user si with default values in /usr/lib/security/mkuser.defalault
mkuser su=false si Create user si without su facility
rmuser si To remove user si
rmuser -p si To remove user si and his all attributes
who List users with tty nos and ip numbers
who /var/adm/wtmp Lists history of login logout system startup and shutdowns
who -r To list the run level
who am i /who -m To list the current user
mkgroup dcm To create the group dcm
chgroup users=u1,u2,u3 dcm To add users u1 u2 and u3 to dcm group
rmgroup dcm To delete the group dcm
chauthent To change the authentication methods

Subsystem Commands

lssrc -a To list the status of all subsystems
lssrc -h node1 -a To list the status of all subsystems on foreign host node1
lssrc -s kadmind To list the status of the subsystem kadmind
lssrc -g tcpip To get the status of the subsystem group tcpip
mkssys To add a subsystem
rmssys -s kerberos To remove the subsystem kerberos
chssys -s kerb -s kad To rename the subsystem kerb to kad
startsrc -s kadmin To start the subsystem kadmin
startsrc -g tcpip To start the subsystem group tcpip
stopsrc -s kadmin To stop the subsystem kadmin
stopsrc -g tcpip To stop the subsystem group tcpip
refresh -s nfsd To refresh nfsd subsystem
refresh -g tcpip To refresh tcpip subsystem group

Scheduling commands

crontab -l To list the crontab entries
crontab -e To edit the crontab entries
crontab -l > /si To copies the entries of crontab to /si file
crontab -r To remove all crontab entries
crontab -v To list the submission time
/var/adm/cron/cron.allow File containing users who allowed cron service
/var/adm/cron/cron.deny File containing users denied cron service
at -l To list the jobs scheduled via at command
at -r root.dfjdhjdh.21 To remove the scheduled job root.dfjdhjdh.21
/var/adm/cron/at.allow File containing users who allowed at service
/var/adm/cron/at.deny File containing users denied at service
batch To run the command when the system load permits
atq joe To list all the jobs submitted by user joe

ODM Commands

odmget sm_menu_opt
To get the objects from class sm_menu_opt
odmget -q "id=licenses" sm_menu_opt
To list objects that matches query id=licenses from object sm_menu_opt
odmdelete -o sm_menu_opt -q "id=licenses"
To delete the entries from class sm_menu_opt which agrees the query id=licenses
odmshow sm_menu_opt
To show the object class definition
odmdrop -o sm_menu_opt
To drop sm_menu_opt object class
odmchange -o sm_menu_opt -q "id=licenses" file1
To change the attributes from file1

errpt To display complete summary of report
errpt -a To list complete detailed report
errpt -d H To list all hardware related errors
errpt -d S To list all software related errors
errpt -a -j 34564423 To list detailed error report of error id 34564423
chitab tty002:23:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty /dev/tty
To enter the entry tty002:23:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty /dev/tty in inittab
lssrc -g portmap To start tcpip

Daemons of NIS

Server Slave Server Client

ypserv ypserv ypbind

NIS maps created by default (if file available on master server)
passwd.byaddr /etc/passwd passwd
group.byaddr /etc/group Group
hosts.byaddr /etc/hosts Hosts
ethers.byaddr /etc/ethers Ethers

networks.byaddr /etc/networks Networks
rpc.bynumber /etc/rpc
services.byname /etc/services
protocols.bynumber /etc/protocols protocols
netgroup.byuser /etc/netgroup
bootparams /etc/bootparams
mail.byaddr /etc/aliases aliases
publickey.byname /etc/publickey
netid.byname /etc/passwd
netmasks.byaddr /etc/netmasks

chypdom –I mca Modifies nis domain name entry in /etc/rc.nfs
chypdom –B mca Changes nis domain and modifies /etc/rc.nfs file
chypdom –N mca Changes nis domain name to mca
domainname mca Changes nis domain name to mca until next reboot
mkmaster To make the machine NIS master
-O Overwrites existing maps
-o prevents overwriting existing maps
-E Exit on errors
-e No exit on errors
-P Starts yppasswdd daemon
-p Don’t start yppasswdd daemon
-U Starts ypupdated daemon
-u Don’t start ypupdated daemon
-C Starts ypbind daemon
-c Don’t start ypbind daemon
-B Executes ypinit command and modifies rc.nfs
mkclient –B –S mca Makes the machine as a client of mca server and starts ypbind daemon
ypcat passwd To cat the password map file passwd.byname
ypcat –x To display map nickname translation table
ypcat –d pci passwd To display the passwd file in the domain pci
yppasswd To change the password of nis user
lsmaster Display characteristics for the configuration of NIS master
mrgpwd >/var/yp/passwd To merge /etc/passwd and /etc/security/passwd file to /var/yp/passwd
ypxfr -h mca passwd.byname To transfer password map file from host mca

Procedure for NIS

Master Server
Change the nis domain name in the master server
chypdom –B mca
smit chypdom
Verify tcpip is running by executing lssrc –s inetd
Verify portmap is running by executing lssrc –s portmap
(For security reason it is better to locate all nis files to /var/yp directory and change the DIR=/etc entry to DIR=/var/yp in the /var/yp/MakeFile. For merging the existing passwords execute
mrgpwd > /var/yp/passwd)
Execute mkmaster –O –E –P –U –C –B
-O Overwrites existing maps for this domain
-E Exist on errors when creating master server
-P Starts yppasswdd daemon
-U Starts ypupdated daemon
-C Starts ypbind daemon
-B Executes ypinit command, uncomment entries in rc.nfs and starts daemons
Check the yp daemons with lssrc –g yp

Slave Server
Change the nis domain name
chypdom –B mca
Edit hosts file, keep entries for loopback, this machine and of server
Execute mkslave –O –B –C mca

Client machine
Change the nis domain name
chypdom –B mca
Edit hosts file, and keep entries for loopback , this machine and of server
Execute mkclient –B mca
Check for ypbind with lssrc –s ypbind

HACMP Commands

/tmp/hacmp.out Detailed event script output logged in 7 day rolling history
/var/adm/cluster.log High level view of cluster events (No clean up on this file)
/usr/sbin/cluster/history/cluster.mmdd Day by day view of cluster events. (one file / day of month)
/tmp/cm.log Clstrmgr messages
/tmp/cspoc.log Output from C-SPOC commands (similar to smit.log)
/tmp/emuhacmp.out Output from event emulation

rdist -b -f /etc/disfile1 To distribute the files in disfile1 to all nodes in disfile1 in binary mode

Sample entry for disfile1
HOSTS = ( root@node1 root@node3 )
FILES = ( /etc/passwd /etc/security/passwd)
${FILES} -> ${HOSTS}

clstart -m -s -b -i -l To start cluster daemons (m-clstrmgr, s-clsmuxpd,
b-broadcast message, -i-clinfo, -l cllockd)
clstop -f -N To force shutdown cluster immediately without releasing resources
clstop -g -N To do graceful shutdown immediately with no takeover
clstop -gr -N To do graceful shutdown immediately with takeover

cldare -t To sync the cluster toplogy
cldare -t -f To do the mock sync of topology
cldare -r To sync the cluster resources
cldare -r -f To do the mock sync of resources

clverify cluster verification utility

cllscf To list clustur topology information
cllsclstr To list the name and security level of the cluster
cllsnode To list the info about the cluster nodes
cllsnode -i node1 To list info about node1
cllsdisk -g shrg To list the PVID of the shared hard disk for resource group shrg
cllsnw To list all cluster networks
cllsnw -n ether1 To list the details of network ether1
cllsif To list the details by network adapter
cllsif -n node1_service To list the details of network adapter node1_service
cllsvg To list the shared vgs which can be accessed by all nodes
cllsvg -g sh1 To list the shared vgs in resource group sh1
cllslv To list the shared lvs
cllslv -g sh1 To list the shared lvs in the resource group sh1
cllsdisk -g sh1 To list the PVID of disks in the resource group sh1
cllsfs To list the shared file systems
cllsfs -g sh1 To list the shared file systems in the resource group sh1
cllsnim Show info about all network modules
cllsnim -n ether Show info about ether network module
cllsparam -n node1 To list the runtime parameters for the node node1
cllsserv To list all the application servers

claddclstr -i 3 -n dcm To add a cluster definition with name dcm and id 3
claddnode To add an adapter
claddnim To add network interface module
claddgrp -g sh1 -r cascading -n n1 n2 To create resource group sh1 with nodes n1,n2 in cascade
claddserv -s ser1 -b /usr/start -e /usr/stop Creates an application server ser1 with startscript as /usr/start
and stop script as /usr/stop

clchclstr -i 2 -n dcmds To change cluster definitions name to dcmds and id to 2
clchclstr -s enhanced To change the clustur security to enhanced
clchnode To change the adapter parameters
clchgrp To change the resource group name or node relationship
clchparam To change the run time parameters (like verbose logging)
clchserv To change the name of app. server or change the start/end scripts

clrmclstr To remove the cluster definition
clrmgrp -g sh1 To delete the resource group sh1 and related resources
clrmnim ether To remove the network interface module ether
clrmnode -n node1 To remove the node node1
clrmnode -a node1_svc To remove the adapter named node1_svc
clrmres -g sh1 To remove all resources from resource group sh1
clrmserv app1 To remove the application server app1
clrmserv ALL To remove all applicaion servers

clgetactivenodes -n node1 To list the nodes with active cluster manager processes from cluster
manager on node node1
clgetaddr node1 returns a pingable address from node node1
clgetgrp -g sh1 To list the info about resource group sh1
clgetgrp -g sh1 -f nodes To list the participating nodes in the resource group sh1
clgetif To list interface name/interface device name/netmask associated with
a specified ip label / ip address of a specific node
clgetip sh1 To get the ip label associated to the resource group
clgetnet To list the network for ip, netmask
clgetvg -l nodelv To list the VG of LV nodelv

cllistlogs To list the logs

clnodename -a node5 To add node5 to the cluster
clnodename -o node5 -n node3 To change the cluster node name node5 to node3

clshowres Lists resources defined for all resource group
clfindres To find the resource group within a cluster

xclconfig X utility for cluster configuration
xhacmpm X utility for hacmp management
xclstat X utility for cluster status

SP Commands


hats Topology services hatsd ( /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/hatsctrl script)
hags Group services hagsd (/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/hagsctrl script)
haem Event management haemd (/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/haemctrl script)
hr Host responds hrd (/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/hrctrl script)
pman Problem management pmand,pmanrmd (/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/pmanctrl script)

fault_service_Worm_RTG_SP (WORM) Switch daemon on nodes (/usr/lpp/ssp/rc.switch called by css_restart_node)

kadmind The authentication database daemon for password changing and administration tools
Listens port 751. It checks acl files admin.acl.(get,mod,add) in /var/kerberos/database
/.k file for master key and /var/kerberos/databse/pricipal.pag, pricipal.dir for authentication
kerberos Daemon that provides authentication services & ticket granting ticket for clients.
kpropd Daemon to receive update for a secondary database server
hardmon Daemon that monitors and controls the state of SP hardware
It checks acl file /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmacls

install_cw To complete PSSP installation on cws
(Installs PSSP programs for SMIT panels
Starts and configures SDR
Sets node number 0 for cws in ODM
Creates hmacls file with rood.admin entry in
Starts and configure PSSP daemons
Configures default partition)
setup_authent To setup workstation as SP authentication server
(Creates /etc/krb.conf, /etc/krb.realms files
Creates authentication database using kdb_edit command
Create master key file /.k using kstash command
Adds kadmin and kerberos to inittab file and starts them
Define initial auth. admin (eg:- root.admin) using kdb_edit command
Creates Kerberos ACLS (admin_acl.get,mod,add files)
Execute kinit for root.admin and creates local service principals
(hardmon.cws, rcmd.cws)
Creates /.klogin file and add admin principal to it
Creates /etc/krb-srvtab file using ext_srvtab command)

setup_server To setup CWS as BIS

splst_versions -G -t To check the PSSP versions in all nodes
spmon_ctest To verify system monitor configured properly
spmon_itest To verify system monitor installed properly & operational
SYSMAN_test To verify the system management component
CSS_test To verify communication subsystem

SDR_test -l si To verify SDR and logs the errors in file si
SDRListClasses To list the class name in the SDR
SDRArchive si To backup SDR in the directory /spdata/sys1/sdr/archives with name
To restore SDR and partion sensitive subsystems
SDRGetObjects Syspar To get the system partition info
SDRGetObjects syspar_map To get the system partition map (with node info)
SDRGetObjects Adapter node_number netaddr
To get the node number and net address in the Adapter class
SDRDeleteObjects Adapter netaddr==
To delete class Adapter with netaddr value
SDRChangeAttrValues Node node_number==9 bootp_response==install
To change the boot response as install on node with node number 9
SDRWhoHasLock Returns the transaction ID of a lock on a specified class
SDRClearLock To unlock an SDR class

syspar_ctrl -G -A To add and restart all system partition sub systems
syspar_ctrl -G -D To stop and delete all system partition sub systems
syspar_ctrl -R To restore all system partition sub systems in current partition
syspar_ctrl -E To list all system partition sub systems
syspar_ctrl -s To start all system partition sub systems in current partition
syspar_ctrl -k To stop all system partition sub systems in current partition
syspar_ctrl -r To refresh all system partition sub systems in current partition

ngcreate -s 1:1 si To create node group si with 1st node in 1st frame
ngcreate -n 1 2 3 si To create node group si with 1st 2nd and 3rd nodes
ngcreate -N ng1,ng2 si To create node group si with node groups ng1 and ng2
ngcreate -w n1,n2 si To create node group si with host name n1 and n2
ngcreate -ae n1,n2 si To create node group si with all nodes in the current partition
excluding hosts n1 and n2

nglist To list node groups in current partition
nglist -G To list node groups globally
ngfind si To find all node groups which contain node group si
ngnew si1 si2 si3 To create 3 node groups with names si1 si2 and si3
ngnew -G si1 si2 si3 To create 3 node groups globally with names si1 si2 and si3
ngresolve -G -n si To resolve the nodes in the node group si as node numbers
with global option
ngresolve -w si To resolve the nodes in the node group si as fully qualified
host name
ngresolve -d si To resolve the nodes in the node group si as fully qualified
ip address
ngdelete si si1 To remove node groups si and si1
ngdelete -u si To remove node group si but leave entries in other node groups
which is having the entries in it
ngclean -Ga To clean up all node groups
ngaddto si 1 2 To add nodes 1 and 2 to the existing node group si
ngaddto si 1 2 ng1 To add nodes 1,2 and node group ng1 to node group si
ngdelfrom si 1 2 To remove nodes 1 and 2 from node group si
ngdelfrom si 1 2 ng1 To remove nodes 1, 2 and node group ng1 from node group si

spled -G To display leds of nodes in a multi partition system
spled or spmon -L To display leds of nodes in the current partion

spmon -p off frame2/node3 To power off node3 in frame 2
spmon -p on frame2/node3 To power on node 3 in frame 2
spmon -G -p on frame2/node3 To power on node3/frame 2 if it is outside current partition
spmon -k service /frame2/node3 To change the key settings to service
spmon -p off frame1 To power off frame1
spmon -K frame1/node1 To see the key settings of frame1/node1
spmon -reset frame1/node1 To reset
spmon -open frame1/node1 To open a tty on frame1/node1==(s1term -w 1 1)
spmon -d To run the diag in the current partition
spmon -G -d To run the diag globally

hmmon -V 1:1 Displays a descriptive list of symbolic variable names
hmmon -Q -s 1:1 Displays the state of node1 in frame 1 and exists
hmmon -q -s 1:1 Displays and monitors continuously

hmreinit To stop and restart hardmon

hmcmds -G off all To power off all hardware
hmcmds -G off 1:3 To power off slot 3 in frame 1
hmcmds -G on 1:3 To power on slot 3 in frame 1
hmcmds -v -G boot_supervisor 1:1 To reset the power of node_supervisor card on slot 1 frame 1
(Use full to close the opened ttys on nodes)
hmcmds secure l 1-3:2 To change the key in secure mode for slot 2 in frame 1 2 and 3
hmcmds -v synch_reset Perform sync reset. To clear the switch errors
hmcmds -v power_on_reset Perform sync reset and do self test of switch chips

cstartup -G all To startup all nodes globally
cstartup -N 1 2 4-8 To startup nodes 1,2 and 4 to 8
cstartup -g si To startup node group si
cstartup -GZ all To startup all nodes. With Z it will restart the nodes which are already
running (otherwise command will exit)
cstartup -k all To verify the startup with sequence file (StartSeq)
cstartup -E all To startup all nodes ignoring the sequence file

cshutdown -F node1 To shutdown node1 immediately
cshutdown -h node1 To halt the node node1
cshutdown -g si To shutdown the nodes in the node group si
cshutdown -G -N 1 3 4-7 To shutdown nodes 1 3 and 4 to 7 regardless partition
cshutdown -X -N 1 2 3 To shutdown nodes 1 2 and 3 ignoring sequence file

hostlist -av To list sp host name which is active
hostlist -avd To list the hosts in ipaddress which are active
hostlist -dw node1 Returns the ip of the node node1
hostlist -N si List the host names in the node group si
hostlist -s 1-4:4 List the hostname of the node in 4th slot in frames 1-4

nodecond -n 1 1 To get the ehternet address of the node 1 in frame 1
nodecond 1 1 To network boot the node 1 in frame 1

splstdata -h To list the hardware info (equivalent to lscfg )
splstdata -i To list the network adapter data (equivalent to netstat -in)
splstdata -v To list VG info on nodes
splstdata -t To list extension node config
splstdata -b To list boot install info
splstdata -n To list node information
splstdata -s To list node switch information
splstdata -d To list file system info (equivalent to df)
splstdata -p To list SP partition info
splstdata -e To list the sp environment variables like ntp_config, amd_config
Efence To display all nodes fenced
Efence To fence nodes with ips and 3
Efence node1 node3 To fence nodes node1 and node3
Efence -autojoin node1 To fence out but will unfence it after reboot

Eunfence To unfence nodes with ips and 3
Eunfence node1 node3 To unfence nodes node1 and node3

Estart To start sp switch
Estart -autounfence -0 To start sp switch and turn off autounfence feature
(1 for autounfence enabled)

Eunpartition To prepare a system partition for repartitioning

delnimclient -l 1 2 3 To delete nim client definition for nodes 1 2 and 3 from NIM master
mknimclient -l 1 2 3 To make node 1 2 and 3 as NIM clients
delnimmast -l 1 17 33 To unconfigure nodes 1 17 and 33 as NIM masters and remove filesets
mknimmast -l 1 17 33 To make nodes 1 17 and 33 as NIM masters

lshacws To list the status of the CWS

ntpdate Sets date and time by enquiring ntp server

spbootlist -l 1 2 To set the bootlist on nodes 1 and 2

nodecond 1 4 To network boot the node 4 in frame 1
nodecond -n 1 4 To fetch the ethernet address of node 4 in frame 1
sphrdwrad 1 3 2 To fetch mac address for node 3 and 4 in frame 1

setup_authent To setup a cws to use kerberos authentication
kdb_destroy To destroy the kerberos database
create_krb_files Searches for nodes in install/Customise mode and create krb-srvtab file
for those nodes. (Creates in tftpboot directory of CWS.)
ext_srvtab -n node1 To extract service key files from the database for instance node1
ext_srvtab -n SPbgAdm To extract service key files from the database for instance SPbgAdm
(Creates in the present directory with name -new-srvtab)
spsetauth -d k4 std To set the authentication methods as k4 and standard
chauthpar k4 std To change the authentication methods as k4 and std

kpasswd To change the kerberos principals password

lsauthent To list the authentication table

k4init siju To get the kerberos ticket for principal siju
k4init -v siju To get the same as above but give verbose output
k4init -i siju To get the same but the machine will ask for the instance
k4init -r siju To get the same for a different realm (U can specify realm)
k4init -l siju To get the same for the life time in minutes which u specify

rcmdtgt To obtain a maximum life time ticket for rcmd services on local node

k4list To list the ticket cache and principal’s name
k4list -srvtab To list the contents of the server key file

chkp -l 6 siju To change the life time of the principal siju to 30 minutes (6 x 5)
chkp -e 2001-5-23 siju To change the expiry date of principal siju to 2001 may 23

lskp -p To list the predefined kerberos principals
lskp -s To list the kerberos service principals
lskp -c To list the kerberos client principals
lskp siju abc To list the principals of siju and abc

rmkp siju To remove the principal siju
rmkp -n siju To remove the principal siju without prompting for confirmation
rmkp -v siju To remove the principal with verbose output

kdb_edit To change the attributes of the kerberos principals
kdb_edit -n To avoid asking master key and get it from .k file

kdb_util dump /si.bak To backup the kerberos database to si.bak file
kdb_util load /si.bak To restore the kerberos database from file si.bak.
kdb_util new_master_key To change the master key

kadmin To add,delete,see,change password,change admin passwd of kerberose
kadmin ank To add a new kerberos principal
kadmin cpw To change the password of a principal
kadmin cap To change admin password
kadmin get To get the details of a principal
kadmin dest To destroy admin ticket

kstash To save the master key in the .k file

kdb_init To initialize the kerberos system

ksrvutil list To list the principals and version number in the server key file
ksrvutil -f /etc/srvtab.bak list To list the principals in the file /etc/srvtab.bak
ksrvutil change To change the key version in the default srvtab file
ksrvutil delete To delete the keys in the /etc/krb-srvtab file
ksrvutil -f /etc/srvtab.bak delete To delete the keys in the /etc/srvtab.bak file
spacs_cntrl block user1 To block user1 on the node
spacs_cntrl unblock user1 To unblock user1
spacs_cntrl deny user1 To deny user1
spacs_cntrl allow user1 To allow user1
spacs_cntrl -f /tmp/si deny To deny the list of the users in the file /tmp/si
cw_allowed List of users to be allowed to login to CWS
cw_restrict_login Script which will deny user to login to cws and allow them to change
the passwd (files are /usr/lpp/ssp/config/admin directory and entry for
second file will be in /etc/profile file)

spmkuser id=1234 pgrp=system groups=system,bin home=node1:/home/siju siju
To create SP user siju with id 1234, primary groups system, secondary
groups system,bin and home directory home/siju of node1
sprmuser -ipr siju To remove the SP user siju (I for interactive, p for removing info from
passwd file and r for removing the home directory)

splsuser -c siju To list the attributes of sp user siju in column format
splsuser -f siju To list the attributes of sp user siju in stanza format

spchuser groups=dev,system sh=/bin/ksh siju
To change the shell to ksh and secondary groups to dev,
system of SP user siju

supper -v To go to the supper prompt in verbose mode
supper update To update all file collections
supper status To see the status of the file collections
supper when To list when last updation occured
supper where To show current servers for updation
supper log To show summary of last or current updation
supper rlog To show the details of last of current updation
supper file user.admin To list the files in the file collection user.admin
supper install siju To install the file collection siju
supper remove siju To remove file collection siju
supper update user.admin To update file collection user.admin
supper diskinfo To show the diskspace and current VG

Procedure to Build a file collection with name siju for files in /home/siju

1) go to /var/sysman/sup
2) create dir siju
3) change ownership and group of siju to bin
4) copy contents of /var/sysman/sup/user.admin to siju
5) edit list file for including and omitting files in /home/siju directory
It should contains entry like the following

upgrade ./home/siju
omit ./home/siju/abc
omitany ./home/siju/s*

6) Add a symbolic link to siju file in lists directory to list in siju directory
ie ln -s /var/sysman/sup/siju/list /var/sysman/sup/lists/siju
7) Update /var/sysman/file.collections file with following entry
primary siju - / - / EDO power no
8) Update sup.admin file collection to reflect the changes made to file.collections
dsh -av supper update sup.admin
9) Install file collection siju in the nodes
dsh -av supper install siju

sysctld Sysctl server daemon
/etc/sysctl.conf Sysctl configuration file

setauth -cmd svcconnect NONE To allow non kerberos users to execute sysctl commands
(Entry in sysctl.conf file)
setauth -cmd pdf {ACL /etc/si.acl} To change the acl file for pdf command to /etc/si.acl
(Entry in sysctl.conf file)

/etc/sysctl.acl Default acl file for sysctl

sysctl -h node1 Opens a sysctl command interface for node node1
sysctl -h node1 aclcheck siju To check entry for siju in the default acl file (sysctl.acl)
sysctl -h node1 -f /etc/si.acl siju To check entry for siju in the acl file /etc/si.acl
sysctl -h node1 info commands To list the authorized commands for the current principal
sysctl -h node1 acladd -p siju To add the principal siju to the default ACL file
sysctl -h node1 -f /etc/si.acl acladd -p siju
To add the principal siju to /etc/si.acl ACL file
sysctl -h node1 acldelete -p siju To delete the principal siju to the default ACL file
sysctl -h node1 -f /etc/si.acl acldelete -p siju
To delete the principal siju to /etc/si.acl ACL file
sysctl -h node1 acllist To list the entries in the default acl file
sysctl -h node1 -f /etc/si.acl acllist To list the entries in /etc/si.acl file
sysctl -h node1 aclcreate -p root.admin -p siju -f /etc/si.acl
To create acl file /etc/si.acl with the entries root.admin and siju
sysctl -h node1 checkauth -cmd pdf
To check authorization for command pdf for the current user
sysctl -h node1 confadd include /etc/si.acl
To include the acl file si.acl in the sysctl.conf file
sysctl -h node1 confdelete include /etc/si.acl
To remove the acl file si.acl from sysctl.conf file
sysctl -h node1 svcrestart To restart the sysctld daemon on node node1

Steps to create a Syctl application

Task :- User siju (kerberos principal siju.adm) should get the permission to start a subsystem by executing the command substart. Permission should not be given to other users.

1) Create the client application substart in /usr/bin directory of cws with following contents

if [ $# -gt 2 ]
then echo "Arguments exceed the limit"
exit 1
/usr/lpp/ssp/bin/hostlist -n $1 | /usr/bin/sysctl -c - substart_proc $2

In the above script if condition will check for the number of arguments and execute procedure on
corresponding host

2) Change the mode to executable

chmod 755 /usr/bin/substart

3) Create server application substart.tcl with a procedure substart_proc with following contents

create proc substart_proc {SubSystem} AUTH {
global SCUSER
if [ aclcheck -f /etc/substart.acl $SCUSER ] {
exec /etc/substart.srv $SubSystem

if condition in the above example checks for kerberos user in the acl file /etc/substart.acl
If the condition is true it execute the command /etc/substart.srv with arguments passed by
substart command

4) Create the script substart.srv with following contents

startsrc -s $2

This script execute the command startsrc with the argument passed by the substart command

5) Change the mode to executable

chmod 755 /etc/substart.srv

6) Create acl file substart.acl with the entry for user siju


7) Add the application to the sysctl by adding following line to sysctl.conf file

include /etc/substart.tcl

8) Distribute the files to all nodes
pcp -av /usr/bin/substart
pcp -av /etc/substart.tcl
pcp -av /etc/substart.srv
pcp -av /etc/substart.acl
pcp -av /etc/sysctl.conf

9) Restart the sysctld daemon to get the new information on cws and on all nodes

10) Get the kerberos ticket for user siju and execute following command

substart 3 lpd

This should start the lpd daemon on node 3

11) Try the above command with any other kerberos ticket. Result should be negative

NIM Commands

nimconfig -a pif_name=en0 -a netname=net1
To initialise the NIM master with network name net1
nimconfig -r To rebuild /etc/niminfo file which contains the variables for NIM

nim -o define -t lpp_source -a source=/dev/cd0 -a server=master -a location=/export/lpp_source/lpp_source1 lpp_source1

To define lpp_source1 image in /export/lpp_source/lpp_source directory from source cd0

nim -o define -t mksysb -a server=master -a location=/resources/mksysb.image mksysb1
To define mksysb resource mksysb1, from source /resources/mksysb.image on master

nim -o remove inst_resource
To remove the resource inst_resource
nim -o check lpp_source1
To check the status of lpp_source lpp_source1
nim -o allocate -a spot=spot1 -a lpp_source=lpp_source1 node1
To allocate the resources spot1 and lpp_source1 to the the client node1
nim -o bos_inst node1
To initialise NIM for the BOS installation on node1 with the allocated resources
nim -o dkls_init dcmds
To initialize the machine dcmds as diskless operation
nim -o dtls_init dcmds
To initialize the machine dcmds for dataless operation
nim -o cust dcmds
To initialize the machine dcmds for customize operation
nim -o diag dcmds
To initialize the machine dcmds for diag operation
nim -o maint dcmds
To initialize the machine dcmds for maintenance operation
nim -o define -t standalone -a platform=rspc -a if1="net1 dcmds xxxxx" -a cable_type1=bnc dcmds
To define the machine dcmds as standalone with platform as rspc and network as net1 with cable
type bnc and mac address xxxxx
nim -o unconfig master
To unconfigure nim master master
nim -o allocate -a spot=spot1 dcmds
To allocate the resource spot1 from machine dcmds
nim -o deallocate -a spot=spot1 dcmds
To de allocate the resource spot1 from machine dcmds
nim -o remove dcmds
To remove machine dcmds after removing all resources associated to it
nim -o reboot dcmds
To reboot ther client dcmds
nim -o define -t lpp_source -a location=/software/lpp1 -a server=master -a source=/dev/cd0 lpp1
To define lppsource lpp1 on master at /software/lpp1 directory from source device /dev/cd0
lsnim To list the nim resources
lsnim -l dcmds To list the detailed info about the object dcmds
lsnim -O dcmds To list the operation dcmds object can support
lsnim -c resources dcmds To list the resources allocated to the machine dcmds

The client version of nim command (User can obtain same results of nim in server )

AIX Commands

System installation and maintenance management


Reports the latest installed maintenance level of the system.
oslevel -r : determines the highest recommended maintenance level reached for the current version of AIX.
oslevel -lr 5100-04: lists which fileset updates are missing if after installing ML 04 on 5100-03 the command oslevel -r still shows 5100-03.


Creates and maintains fixed-size log files.
alog -o -t boot : view the boot log (the log that holds boot information).
alog -L : lists the logs defined in the alog database.


Generates a report of logged errors in the system error log.
errpt -a : displays a complete detailed report.
errpt -c > /dev/console : formats and displays each of the errors at logtime (concurrent error logging) on /dev/console.


Starts the error logging daemon errdemon that reads error records from the /dev/error file and creates error log entries in the default system error log /var/adm/ras/errlog.
/usr/lib/errdemon : starts the error logging daemon.
/usr/lib/errdemon -l : displays the path to the system error log file and error log size.
/usr/lib/errdemon -s 2000000 : changes the maximum size of the error log file to 2 MB.


The syslogd daemon logs messages from kernel, daemons and system applications using /etc/syslog.conf.
*.debug errlog (add this line to to syslog.conf to redirect all syslog messages to the system error log).
stopsrc -s syslogd : stops the syslogd daemon.
startsrc -s syslogd : starts the syslogd daemon.
refresh -s syslogd : refreshes the syslogd daemon.


Logs an operator message.
errlogger new disk added on scsi1 adapter : logs "new disk added on scsi1 adapter" in the system error log.


Deletes entries from the system error log. Software and operator errors (older than 30 days) and hardware errors (older than 90 days) are removed using crontab.


Installs or replaces messages in the error logging message sets of the error log message catalog.


Updates the Error Record Template Repository (default file /var/adm/ras/errtmplt).


Menu driven program to run a wide choice of tasks and service aids (diagnostics, hardware error report, format, microcode and bootlist management, ...).
Diagnostics modes:
Concurrent mode: diag is used during normal operation (only devices not in use can be tested).
Single-user mode: run diag after shutdown -m.
Stand-alone mode: boot from Diagnostics CD (press F5 when acoustic beep is heard)
or boot and press F6 when acoustic beep is heard to load diag from hard disk.
if diag returns "diag is not supported on this model" use:
SMS mode: boot and press F1 when acoustic beep is heard, select "test the computer". Some older models use a SMS diskette.


Installs an alternate disk with a mksysb install image or clones the currently running system to an alternate disk.
Note: install bos.alt_disk_install fileset to use alt_disk_install.
alt_disk_install -C hdisk2 : Clones the current rootvg to hdisk2.
alt_disk_install -C -b update_all -l /dev/cd0 hdisk4 : Creates clone of the current rootvg on hdisk4, installs a ML on the clone and changes the bootlist to hdisk4.
alt_disk_install -X old_rootvg : Removes the original rootvg from the ODM, after booting from the new alternate disk (you can still reboot from old_rootvg).


Performs Alternate Disk Migration (to a new version or release) of AIX using NIM resources.
nimadm -c aix1 -s spot2 -l lpp2 -d "hdisk1 hdisk2" -Y : migrates totarget NIM client aix1, using NIM SPOT resource spot2, the NIM lpp_source lpp2, and hdisk1 and hdisk2 target disks, and agreeing to all required software license agreements for the software being installed (-Y).
nim -o alt_disk_install -a source=rootvg -a disk='hdisk2' -a phase=12 holland : clones a rootvg on client holland to hdisk1, but only run phase1 and phase2 (leaving the /alt_inst file systems mounted).

Problem determination


Changes the primary or secondary dump device designation in a running system. The default primary dump device is LV /dev/hd6 and the default secondary dump device is /dev/sysdumpnull. A dedicated primary dump device LV /dev/lg_dumplv is created (if sufficient disk space is available) in systems with at least 4 Gigabytes of real memory.
sysdumpdev -l : displays current dump device settings.
sysdumpdev -P -p /dev/hd7 : changes the primary dump device permanently from the default to LV /dev/hd7.
sysdumpdev -e : estimates the dump size (in bytes) for the current running system.
sysdumpdev -L : displays statistical information about the last dump.
chdev -l sys0 -a autostart=true : automatically reboot after a crash (default is false).


Checks the disk resources used by the system dump and logs in the system error log. Run default by cron at 3:00 pm local time each day.
/usr/lib/ras/dumpcheck -p : requests a dumpcheck. The result is printed to stdout (-p).
/usr/lib/ras/dumpcheck -r : discontinues running dumpcheck (removes the crontab entry).


Displays system images for examining a dump.
kdb /var/adm/ras/vmcore.0 /unix : starts kdb using the uncompressed dump file /var/adm/ras/vmcore.0 and kernel file /unix.


Gathers system configuration information and compresses the information into a pax file.
snap -a -o /dev/rmt0 : gathers all system configuration information (needs approximately 8 MB space in directory /tmp/ibmsupt) and creates a compressed pax image (snap.pax.Z) of directory /tmp/ibmsupt.


Gathers the core file, program, and libraries used by a program to directory /tmp/snapcore (default) and compresses the information into a pax image. The collected information allows debugging and resolving problems within an application.
snapcore -d /tmp/snapcore2 core.xx : gathers all needed information for core dump file core.xx and writes it to directory /tmp/snapcore2/snapcore_32811.pax.Z, where 32811 is the process id ($pid) of the snapcore command.
uncompress -c snapcore_32811.pax.Z | pax : displays the contents of the pax archive.


Used by snapcore to gather all information about a core dump. The bos.rte.serv_aid fileset must be installed.
/usr/lib/ras/check_core core.xx : displays a list containing the program that caused core dump core.xx and the used libraries.


Manages the system hang detection parameters for the system hang daemon shdaemon.
shconf -d : displays if priority problem detection and lost I/O detection are enabled or not.
shconf -E -l prio -H : displays the current shdaemon settings.

System initialization and boot management

The numeric 1 key (F1 on graphical display), when pressed during POST (double beep), starts the SMS interface.
The numeric 5 key (F5 on graphical display), when pressed during POST, initiates a system boot in service mode using the default service mode boot list. Sequence: 1. diskette (if installed), 2. CD-ROM (if installed), 3. hard disk, 4. tape drive (if installed), 5. network (a. Token ring, b. Ethernet).
The numeric 6 key (F6 on graphical display) works like the numeric 5 key, but uses the customized service mode bootlist. This is the preferred method of loading AIX diagnostics from the boot hard disk.

ipl_varyon *

Used to vary on the root volume group during system boot processing.

ipl_varyon -i : Inquiry mode - skips ipl device processing. Checks which disks are already bootable.


Creates boot image. It does not update the bootlist in the NVRAM.
bosboot -a -d /dev/hdisk0 : Re-create boot image on hdisk0.
bosboot -a -d /dev/ipldevice -D : creates a boot image with the KDB debugger enabled.


Creates a logical volume.
mklv -y hd5 -t boot rootvg 1 : re-create boot LV (BLV) hd5.


Displays information about a logical volume.
lslv -l hd5 : determines the boot disk.


Creates the boot image, the boot record, and the service record.
mkboot -c -d /dev/hdisk0 : clears the boot record of PV hdisk0.


Changes the characteristics of a physical volume in a volume group.
chpv -c hdisk1 : clears the boot record of PV hdisk1.
bootinfo Determines and displays various boot information, including boot device type and boot device name (NOT supported in AIX 4.2 or later).
bootinfo -b : returns the last boot device.
bootinfo -B hdisk0 : returns 1 if disk is bootable, 0 if not.


Displays or alters the list or ordering of boot devices available to the system.
Normal boot list: possible boot devices for normal mode.
Service boot list: possible boot devices for service mode.
Previous boot device: last device from which the system booted.
Support of these boot lists is model dependent.
bootlist -m normal -o : displays the normal boot list.
bootlist -m service -o : displays the service boot list (if available).
bootlist -m normal cd0 hdisk0 hdisk1 : makes changes to the normal boot list.
bootlist -m prevboot : invalidates the last device from which the system booted.

halt or fasthalt

Writes data to disk (sync) and then stops the system. The system does not restart. Do not use this command if other users are logged into the system.
reboot or
Restarts the system. Can be used if no other users are logged into the system.


Halts the operating system. Checks the existence of the executable /etc/rc.shutdown file (added by the administrator) that specifies all the applications and other user processes to close down.
By default the shutdown command powers down the system (if supported and issued).
shutdown -Fr : fast system shutdown and restart.
shutdown -m +1 : brings the system down to maintenance (single user) mode after waiting one minute.
shutdown -l : logs the output during the shutdown to /etc/shutdown.log.


Displays information about previous logins using the /var/adm/wtmp file.
last reboot : displays the time between reboots.
last shutdown : lists last shutdowns of the system.


Shows how long the system has been up.
uptime : displays the current time, the length of time the system has been up, the number of users online, and the load average.


Updates the i-node table and writes buffered files to the hard disk.
sync;sync;sync;reboot : writes everything from the buffer to the hard disk and reboots the system.


Lists the fonts available for use by the display.


Changes the default font selected at boot time.


Adds the font code associated with a display to the system.


Creates a fonts.dir file from a directory of font files.


Sets LANG environment variable in the /etc/environment file for next login.


Changes the system time zone information in the /etc/environment file.


Changes the low-function terminal (LFT) keyboard attributes stored in the Object Data Manager (ODM) database.


Lists the keyboard maps currently available to the low-function terminal (LFT) subsystem.


Changes the default keyboard map used by the low-function terminal (LFT) at system startup.


Changes your encryption key.


Displays the number of fixed licenses and the status of floating licensing. There are two types of user licensing, fixed and floating. Fixed licensing is always enabled. Floating licensing can be enabled or disabled.
lslicense -A : displays the number of available fixed licences on the system.


Changes the number of fixed licenses and the status of the floating licensing (updates login.cfg).
chlicense -I -u 50I -u 50 : changes the fixed license number immediately to 50 (without rebooting).
chlicense -f on : enables the floating licensing.
Lists records in the /etc/inittab file.


Changes records in the /etc/inittab file.


Adds records to the /etc/inittab file.


Removes records from the /etc/inittab file.


Initializes and controls processes.
0-9 Tells the init process to put the system in one of the run levels 0-9. S,s,M,m Tells the init process to enter the maintenance mode. a,b,c Tells the init process to examine only those records in the /etc/inittab file with a, b, or c in the run-level field. Q,q Tells the init process to re-examine the entire /etc/inittab file. N Sends a signal that stops processes from being respawned.
telinit q : requests the init command to re-examine the /etc/inittab file.


Identifies the users currently logged in.
who -r : displays the runlevel.
who /var/adm/wtmp : displays a history of logins, logouts, system startups, and system shutdowns.


Restores customized information from the boot image. Attention: The command is executed only during system boot phase 1. Do not execute it in a run-time environment.


Saves base customized device data in the ODM onto the boot device.
savebase -d /dev/hdisk0 : save the ODM to the boot logical volume.

Hardware installation and configuration management
Available hardware platforms: MCA-based uni-processor models (rs6k), MCA-based symmetric multiprocessor models (rs6ksmp), ISA-bus models (rspc), PCI-bus models (CHRP). AIX V5.2 is not supported on MCA and PReP architecture hardware. The "AIX Statement of Direction" gives a complete list of unsupported models.


Displays configuration, diagnostic and VPD information about the system.
lscfg -vp : Displays the system model, machine serial, processor type, number of processors, processor clock speed, cpu type, total memory size, network information, filesystem information, paging space information, and devices information.
lscfg | grep proc | wc -l : lists the # of processors.

prtconf or lsconf

Displays system configuration information.
prtconf -s : displays the processor clock speed.
prtconf -k : displays the kernel type in use.
prtconf -m : displays memory.


Gathers system configuration information.
snap -a : gathers system configuration information. The output is written to the /tmp/ibmsupt directory.


Displays the name of the current operating system.
uname -a : displays the machine ID and version banner.
uname -x : displays the operating system in use, the host name, the machine ID number of the hardware, the release number of the operating system, the operating system version and the system model name.


Displays the processor architecture of the machine.


Displays system configuration variable values.
getconf HARDWARE_BITMODE : displays hardware bit mode (64 or 32 bit).
getconf KERNEL_BITMODE : displays kernel bit mode (64 or 32 bit).
getconf DISK_SIZE /dev/hdisk2 : displays disk size in MB.
getconf REAL_MEMORY : displays real memory size in MB.


A system configuration to HTML converter (Open Source)


Determines the file type.
file prog : displays user process bit mode of program prog. Returns:
executable (RISC System/6000) or object module not stripped (32 bit program),
or 64-bit XCOFF executable or object module not stripped (64 bit program).
file /unix : the returned link shows which kernel is running: unix_up = 32-bit uniprocessor kernel, unix_mp = 32-bit multiprocesssor kernel, unix_64 = 64-bit multiprocessor kernel.


Configures devices by running the programs in /etc/methods directory and optionally installs device software.
cfgmgr : runs the Phase 2 configuration rules (second boot phase for normal boot) (same as using the -s flag).
cfgmgr -v : makes devices available that where not powered on when the system started.
cfgmgr -l scsi1 : configures detected devices attached to the scsi1 adapter.
cfgmgr -i /usr/sys/inst.images : installs device software (using the directory /usr/sys/inst.images) automatically during configuration.


Redirects the system console to device or file, effective next startup.
chcons -a login=enable /dev/tty0 : changes the system console to device /dev/tty0. Use /dev/lft0 for the default LFT display.
chcons /tmp/console.out : redirects the system console to file /tmp/console.out.


Lists the displays and the default display currently available on the system.


Changes the display used by the LFT subsystem.
chdisp -p gda1 : changes the default display permanently to gda1.


Displays attribute characteristics and possible values of attributes for devices in the system.
lsattr -EHl sys0l sys0 : displays system attributes (realmem ...)
lsattr -EHl proc0 : displays the state, type and frequency of processor proc0.
lsattr -El rmt0 : lists the current attribute values for the tape device rmt0.
lsattr -El tty0 -a speed : lists the current value of the speed attribute for serial port tty0.


Displays devices in the system and their characteristics.
lsdev -P -H : lists the Predefined (supported) Devices (in the PdDv object class).
lsdev -C -H : lists the Customized (configured/defined) Devices (in the CuDv object class).
lsdev -C -c disk : lists all the PVs (class disk) in the system along with the status and location code.


Displays devices in a device class.
listdgrp disk : list the devices in the disk class.


Lists devices that match the specified criteria.
getdev type=proc_rspc : lists all devices of type proc_rspc.


Lists device classes that match the specified criteria.
getdgrp : display all device classes.


Changes a device's characteristics.
chdev -l hdisk2 -a pv=yes : assigns a PVID to hdisk2.


Adds a device to the system.
mkdev -l hdisk2 : make the already defined disk device hdisk2 available to use.
mkdev -l hdisk1 -a pv=yes : makes an available disk a PV (assigning a PVID), if it does not already have one.
mkdev -c tty -t tty -s rs232 -p sa0 -w s1 -a login=enable -a term=ibm3151 : adds an ibm3151 RS232
terminal using adapter sa0 port s1 with login enabled.


Removes a device from the system.
rmdev -l tty0 -d : removes the tty0 device definition from the CuDv object class (ODM).
rmdev -l hdisk1 : unconfigures PV hdisk1 and changes its state from available to defined (definition is not removed from the CuDv object class (ODM).

Physical Volume Management

See also lsdev, chdev, mkdev and rmdev.


Displays information about a physical volume (PV) within a volume group.
lspv : lists the name, PVID and VG for each configured PV.
lspv hdisk2 : lists the characteristics of PV hdisk2.
lspv -M hdisk3 : lists the mapping and stale PPs for hdisk3.
lspv -l hdisk0 : lists LV allocation within PV hdisk0.
lspv -p hdisk1 : lists PP intra-allocation by PV region and PP state (free, used, stale, vgda) on hdisk1.

lquerypv * Queries the attributes of a physical volume.


Changes the characteristics of a physical volume in a volume group.
chpv -a n hdisk1 : turn off the allocation permission of free PPs for PV hdisk1.
chpv -a y hdisk1 : turn the allocation permission for hdisk1 back on.
chpv -v r hdisk3 : set the state of PV hdisk3 to unavailable (use when PV is to be removed from the system or is lost due to failure).
chpv -v a hdisk4 : make PV hdisk4 available to the system (from state removed to active).
chpv -h y hdisk2 : marks hdisk2 (with no allocated LPs) as a hot spare disk in a VG with mirrored LVs.


Moves allocated PP's from one PV to one or more other PP's in the same VG.
The command is not allowed if the VG is varied on in concurrent mode.
migratepv hdisk1 hdisk3 hdisk5 : moves all PPs from hdisk1 to hdisk3 and hdisk5.
migratepv -l lv02 hdisk2 hdisk4 : moves all PPs in LV lv02 from hdisk2 to hdisk4.

File System Management

AIX supported file system types:
standard Journaled File System (JFS) max. file size 2 GB, max. file system size 1 TB
large file enabled JFS max. file size 64 GB, max. file system size 1 TB
Enhanced Journaled File System (JFS2) max. file size tested 1 TB (AIX currently supports up to 16 TB using the 64-bit kernel, 1 TB using the 32-bit kernel), max. file system size tested 1 TB, architectural max. file system size 4 PB.
The JFS2 outline log can be up to 1 GB (32-bit kernel) and up to 64 GB (64-bit kernel).The JFS2 inline log size can be from 256 KB up to 16 GB.
General Parallel File System (GPFS) Provides a cluster-wide file system allowing users shared access to files spanning multiple disk drives.
RAM File System Up to 8 RAM disks can be created (2 GB size limitation is removed in AIX V5.2). Size cannot be changed afterwards.
Network File System (NFS) NFS allows programs on one system to access files on another system transparently by mounting the remote directory.
CD-ROM File System (CDRFS) A read-only local file system implementation under the logical file system (LFS) layer. Supported are ISO 9660:1988(E) standard, the High Sierra Group Specification, the Rock Ridge Group Protocol, the CD-ROM eXtended Architecture File Format (in Mode 2 Form 1 sector format only). CDs are automatically mounted by default.
DVD-ROM File System (UDFS) A read-only file system stored on DVD-ROM media. UDFS format versions 1.50, 2.00, and 2.01 are supported.
DVDs are automatically mounted by default.
Cache File System (CacheFS) CacheFS is used to enhance read performance of remote file systems (NFS) or slow devices such as CD-ROM. CacheFS handles files larger than 2 GB.
Default AIX file systems:
fs lv description
/ hd4 The / (root) file system contains files and directories critical for system operation.
/usr hd2 Files that can be shared by machines of the same hardware architecture are located in the /usr file system.
Architecture-independent, shareable text files, such as manual pages, are located in the /usr/share directory.
/var hd9var Variable per-client files, such as spool and mail files, are located in the /var file system.
/home hd1 The /home file system is the mount point for user home directories.
/tmp hd3 The /tmp file system contains system-generated temporary files.
/opt hd10opt The /opt file system is reserved for the installation of add-on application software packages.
/proc - The /proc pseudo file system provides access to the state of each active process and thread in the system by mappping processes and kernel data structures to corresponding files.


Reports information about space on file systems.
df -m /usr : displays information about file system /usr in MB (-m) blocks (use -g for GB).


Summarizes file system ownership.
quot -f /home : displays the number of files and bytes owned by each user in the /home file system.


Summarizes disk usage.
du -sg /home : displays the total disk usage in GB (-g) for all files in directory tree /home.


Recursively searches the directory tree with a matching expression.
find . -type f -exec grep "unix" {} \; -print : looks for string "unix" and prints the names of the files in which it is found.


Displays the placement of file blocks within logical or physical volumes.
fileplace -v data3 : displays the placement of a file in its LV, including statistics on how widely the file is spread across the volume and the degree of fragmentation in the volume (-v).


Displays the characteristics of file systems. Uses /etc/filesystems (system file with stanzas of the known file systems and their characteristics).
lsfs : shows all file systems in the /etc/filesystems file.
lsfs -q /usr : shows the LV size, file system size, the fragment size, the compression algorithm and the number of bytes per i-node (nbpi) of the /usr file system.
lsfs -v jfs2 : shows all file systems of vfs type jfs2.


Adds a file system. The smallest file system is equal to one PP.
crfs -v jfs -g datavg -a size=32M -m /user : creates a JFS of 32 MB with /user as the mount point in VG datavg.
crfs -v jfs2 -g rootvg -a size=128M -m /data -A yes -p rw -a agblksize=2048 : creates a JFS2 of 128 MB with /data as the mount point, automatically mounted at system restart (-A), with 4K as the smallest file system block size that can be allocated to a file.


Makes a new file system on a specified existing device (LV).
mkfs -s 64M /data /dev/lvdata : creates an empty 64 MB file system on LV lvdata.
mkfs -o name=/user /dev/lvuser : creates an empty file system on the /dev/lvuser device, with mount point /user. The new file system occupies the entire device and has the default fragment size (4096 bytes) and the default nbpi ratio (4096).


Changes attributes of a file system.
chfs -a size=+16M /data : increases the size of the /data file system by 16 MB.
chfs -a size=64M /data : changes the size of the /data file system to 64 MB (provided it was previously no larger than this).
chfs -A yes /data : sets the mount=true attribute in /etc/filesystems for file system with mount point /data.


Removes a file system.
rmfs -r /data : removes file system /data, it's mount point (-r) and it's LV.
reduce fs Official procedure 1:
1. Make a backup of the file system.
2. Remove the file system.
3. Create a new file system using the same name and reduced size.
4. Restore the backup of the file system into the new file system.
Official procedure 2:
1. Make a mksysb (VG rootvg) or savevg (other VGs).
2. Restore the VG using the shrink file systems option.


Makes a file system available for use.
mount : lists the mounted file systems.
mount all or mount -a : mounts all file systems in /etc/filesystems marked by the mount=true attribute (file systems marked by the mount=automatic attribute are not mounted - they are mounted by the boot process).
mount /dev/lvdata : mounts the file system (in LV lvdata) using the default mount point from /etc/filesystems.
mount -v cdrfs -o ro /dev/cd0 /mnt : mounts the CDROM on /mnt.

Unmounts a previously mounted file system, directory, or file.
umount all : unmounts all file systems in /etc/filesystems marked by the mount=true attribute (file systems marked by the mount=automatic attribute are not unmounted).
umount -f /mnt : forces the unmount of the /mnt NFS file system.


Makes a file system available for use on a device managed by the cdromd daemon (automatically mounts a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM when it is inserted in a device, and provides the server function for all cd/dvd related commands).
cdmount cd0 : mounts a file system on cd0.
startsrc -s cdromd : starts the cdromd daemon which reads the /etc/cdromd.conf configuration file.


Asks cdromd daemon information about a device.
cdcheck -m cd0 : asks cdromd if a CD is mounted on cd0.


Ejects a media from a CD drive managed by cdromd.
cdeject cd0 : ejects a CD from cd0.


Unmounts a previously mounted file system on a device managed by cdromd.
cdumount cd0 : unmount a file system on cd0.


Identifies processes using a file or file structure.
fuser -u /data : lists the process numbers and user login names of processes using the /data file system.


Increases a file system's contiguous free space by reorganizing scattered allocations.
defragfs /home : defragments the /home file system.
defragfs -s /data : generates a report on the fragmentation in the /data file system.
lmktemp lmktemp largefile 1073741824 : Create a 1GB file named largefile.


Checks file system consistency and interactively repairs the file system.
By default, the /, /usr, /var, and /tmp file systems have a check=false attribute in their /etc/filesystem stanzas.
fsck -p /dev/lv00 : fixes minor problems with the /dev/lv00 file system automatically and if the primary superblock is corrupt, the secondary superblock is verified and copied to the primary superblock.
dd count=1 bs=4k skip=31 seek=1 if=/dev/lvdata of=/dev/lvdata : copies the backup superblock of the /dev/lvdata file system over the primary superblock.
fsck -V jfs2 /data : checks JFS2 with mount point /data for consistency and repairs problems found.


Converts and copies a file.
dd count=1 bs=4k skip=31 seek=1 if=/dev/lvdata of=/dev/lvdata : restores the backup of the superblock over the primary superblock (use when the superblock of the JFS on /dev/lvdata is corrupted (or dirty).


Rebuild the JFS log.
logform /dev/hd8 : rebuilds the jfslog of rootvg, after booting the machine into maintenance mode (attention: The logform command should only be run on closed LVs).
logform -V jfs2 /dev/jfs2log : rebuilds the jfs2log /dev/jfs2log.


Modifies, creates or queries properties a JFS2 snapshot (a consistent block level image of a file system). The bos.rte.file fileset must be installed.
snapshot -o snapfrom=/data /dev/snapsb : creates a snapshot for the /data file system on the exisiting /dev/snapsb LV.
snapshot -d /dev/snapsb : deletes the snapshot and the LV containing the snapshot.


Creates and backs up a JFS2 snapshot.
backsnap -m /tmp/snapshot/data -s size=16M -i -f /dev/rmt0 /data : creates a 16 MB LV, creates a snapshot for the /data file system on the created LV, mounts the snapshot on /tmp/snapshot/data and backups the files and directories in that file system by name to /dev/rmt0.


Examines and modifies snapshot superblock, snapshot map, block xtree copy, and segment headers. Mounted file systems cannot be modified.
fsdb /data : debugs file system /data.


Dumps file system information (superblock, i-node map, and disk map) for debugging.
dumpfs /dev/hd2 : prints the information for /dev/hd2.


Lists entries in the /etc/vfs file.


Creates entries in the /etc/vfs file.


Changes entries in the /etc/vfs file.


Removes entries in the /etc/vfs file.


Creates a RAM disk using a portion of RAM (pinned by default). Use only for data that can be lost. Setup procedure creating a 8 MB RAM disk:
mkramdisk 8m
ls -l /dev | grep ram
mkfs -V jfs /dev/ramdiskx
mkdir /ramdiskx
mount -V jfs -o nointegrity /dev/ramdiskx /ramdiskx
where x is the logical RAM disk number.
To remove the RAM filesystem:
unmount /ramdiskx
rmramdisk /dev/ramdiskx


Administers disk space used for CacheFS.
cfsadmin -c /cache1 : creates a cache directory named cache1.
mount -V cachefs -o backfstype=nfs,cachedir=/cache1 server2:/data /ldata : CacheFS-mounts the file system /data from remote host server2 on mount point /ldata of the client using cachedir /cache1.
cfsadmin -l /cache1 : lists file systems and statistics for cache1.
cfsadmin -d all /cache1 : removes all cached file systems from the /cache1 directory.


Mounts a CacheFS directory.
mkcfsmnt -d /mnt -t nfs -h server2 -p /home -c /cache1 -N : mounts the /home file system of server2 locally on the /mnt directory using /cache1 as CacheFS.


Controls the logging of a cache file system.
cachefslog -f /cache1/cachelog /mnt : sets up the file /cache1/cachelog to log CacheFS statistics.


Displays the work space size for a cache file system.
cachefswssize /cache1/cachelog : displays the work space size of the cache filesystems being logged in the file /cache1/cachelog..


Checks the integrity of data cached with CacheFS.
fsck_cachefs -o noclean /cache1 : forces a check on the cache directory.

File Management


procfiles -n `ls /proc` : lists all the process and files they have open.
find / -xdev -type f -mtime -1 -ls | sort +6nr | head -n 20 : lists the top-20 largest files in / that where used within the last 24 hours.

Logical Volume Management

LVs automatically created at system installation are:
hd5 boot LV (boot image). Available only at startup.
hd6 Default paging space.
hd8 Default logging space (jfslog) for the journaled file systems.
hd4 / (root) file system.
hd2 /usr file system.
hd9var /var file system.
hd10opt /opt file system.
hd3 /tmp file system.
hd1 /home file system. Users' home directories.
Note: hd7 was used in earlier AIX versions as dump device.
Maximum LV size is 1 TB (32-bit kernel) or 128 TB (64-bit kernel).
A dedicated dump device lg_dumplv is created in systems with at least 4 Gigabytes of real memory.


Displays information about a logical volume (LV).
Total LVsize=PPsize * LPs assigned to LV * Number of LV copies.
lslv lvdata : lists all the attributes related to LV lvdata.
lslv -m lvdata : lists the LP to PP/PV mapping of LV lvdata.
Creates a logical volume. The smallest LV is equal to one PP.
mklv -y lvdata -c 3 datavg 10 : creates LV lvdata in VG datavg with ten LPs and a total of three copies of the data.
mklv -y lvdb datavg 50M : creates LV lvdb with a minimum size of 50MB (b/B=512B, k/K=KB, m/M=MB, g/G=GB). Rounded to whole LVs to make up 50 MB.
mklv -a c datavg 2 : creates LV lv00 with a size of two LPs and intra-physical volume allocation policy center (e=[outer] edge, m=[outer] middle, c=center, im=inner middle, ie=inner edge).


Changes the characteristics of a logical volume.
chlv -w p lvdata : turns on passive MWC for LV lvdata (big VG only).


Removes logical volumes from a volume group.
rmlv -f lvdata : remove LV lvdata without requiring user confirmation (attention: all data on this LV is destroyed).


Increases the size of a logical volume by adding unallocated physical partitions.
extendlv lvdata 12 : adds twelve more LPs to LV lvdata.
extendlv lvraw 64M : adds 64 MB to LV lvraw. Rounded to whole LVs needed to make up 64 MB.

lquerylv *

Queries the attributes of a logical volume.

lreducelv *!

Reduces the number of allocated logical partitions of a logical volume (attention: if not used with care, data is lost). Official procedure to reduce a LV:
1. Back up all data in the logical volume.
2. Remove the logical volume.
3. Recreate the logical volume with the reduced logical partition allocation.
4. Restore the data.


Copies the contents of a logical volume to a new logical volume.
cplv -v datavg -y lvnew lvold : copies the contents of lvold to new LV lvnew in VG datavg.
cplv -e lvtest -f lvdata : copies the contents of LV lvdata to a smaller, existing LV lvtest within the same VG, without requiring user confirmation (attention: if lvtest is smaller than lvdata, then data will be lost, probably resulting in corruption).


Adds copies to a logical volume.
mklvcopy lvdata 3 : increases the number of copies in each LP in LV lvdata to three.


Removes copies from a logical volume.
rmlvcopy lvuser 2 : decreases the number of copies in each LP in LV lvuser to two.


Moves an allocated LP from one PP to another PP on a different PV in the same VG.
migratelp datalv/23 hdisk3/105 : moves the 23th LP of LV datalv to the 105th PP of PV hdisk3.
See lspv -p to display the free PPs of PV hdisk3.


Splits copies from one logical volume and creates a new logical volume from them.
splitlvcopy -y newlv oldlv 2 : splits one copy of each LP belonging to the LV oldlv which currently has 3 copies of each LP, and creates the LV newlv.

getlvcb *

Displays a formatted output of the data in the LVCB of a LV.
getlvcb -TA hd3 : displays the information held in the LVCB of LV hd3.

putlvcb *!

Writes the control block information (only the specified fields) into block 0 of a logical volume (LVCB).
putlvcb -t jfs lvdata : writes the LV type jfs to the LVCB of LV lvdata.

Volume Group Management

Each disk (PV) belongs to a Volume group (VG). A standard VG is a collection of 1 to 32 PVs (1 to 128 for a big VG). A PV can belong to only one VG. A maximum of 255 VGs can be defined per system.
When a VG is created, the PVs within the VG are partitioned into contiguous, equal-sized PPs (units of disk space). PPs are the smallest unit of allocatable storage space in a VG. The PP size is determined at VG creation (can't be changed dynamically afterwards), and all PVs that are placed in the VG inherit this size. The PP size can range from 1 MB to 1024 MB, but must be a power of two. If not specified at creation time, the default PP size for a VG is 4 MB for disks up to 4 GB (the minimum PP size needed is determined by the OS), but it must be larger for PVs greater than 4 GB due to the fact that the LVM, by default, will only track up to 1016 PPs/PV. The number of PPs/PV (1016) can be increased with a factor 1-16 (or 1-64 for a big VG) at creation time or later (which will reduce the number of PVs in the VG) and/or the number of PVs/VG can be increased from 32 to 128 at creation time or later (big or gigantic VG).
Importing a VG involves copying the VGDA data for the imported volume group into the ODM. When a volume group is exported, the data held in the ODM about that volume group is removed from the ODM database.


Displays information about VGs.
lsvg : lists all VGs.
lsvg rootvg : lists the characteristics of VG rootvg.
lsvg -o : lists only the active VGs (those that are varied on).
lsvg -p rootvg : lists the PVs in VG rootvg (state, size, distribution).
lsvg -l rootvg : lists the LVs in VG rootvg (type, size, state).
lsvg -M rootvg : displays a map of all LVs.
lqueryvg !
Queries the attributes of a VG using VG id, or PV name of a PV that is part of a VG.
lqueryvg -At -p hdisk0 : returns all attributes for the VG (static attributes, LV details and PV details).


Creates a VG.

mkvg -y datavg -s 32 hdisk2 hdisk4 : creates the VG datavg that contains PVs hdisk2 and hdisk4, with PP size set to 32 MB.
mkvg -B -y uservg : create a big VG uservg (supports 128 PVs and 512 LVs).


Sets the characteristics of a VG.
chvg -a{y|n} datavg : VG datavg is automatically activated (y=varyonvg) or not (n=varyoffvg) during system startup.
chvg -u datavg : unlock the VG datavg.
chvg -B datavg : changes the VG to big VG format (supports 128 PVs and 512 LVs). Mapping size is 4*original size.
chvg -t 2 datavg : changes the limit of the number of PPs/PV by factor=2 (1016*2=2032 PPs/PV). Which decreases the number of disks (#PVs/factor=16 PVs/VG).
chvg -sy datavg : attempts to automatically synchronize (AUTO SYNC) stale partitions in VG datavg (default this not done for a VG).
chvg -L256 uservg : changes the LTG size to 256KB of VG uservg for better disk I/O performance. LTG size should be less than or equal to the maximum transfer size of all disks in the VG. Check each disk in the VG with:
lquerypv -M hdiskx : checks the maximum supported LTG size of hdiskx.
chvg -b n datavg : turns off the bad block relocation policy of VG datavg (default is yes for a VG).
chvg -h y -s y uservg : sets policy in VG uservg to automatically (-h y) migrate PPs from one failing disk to one spare disk with automatic synchronization of stale PPs (-s y).


Synchronizes LV copies that are not current (stale).
syncvg -v datavg : synchronizes the copies on VG datavg.
syncvg -p hdisk3 : synchronizes the copies on physical volumes hdisk3.


Resynchronize the ODM. The VG must be active.
synclvodm rootvg : synchronizes the device configuration database with the LVM information for rootvg (use when the device configuration database is not consistent with the LVM information in the LVCBs and the VGDAs).
rvgrecover Repairs the ODM.


Mirrors all the LVs that exist on a given VG.
mirrorvg -S -c 3 rootvg : triply mirrors VG rootvg, returns the mirrorvg command immediately and starts a background syncvg (-S).
mirrorvg -m datavg hdisk3 : creates an exact mapped mirror of the LVs in VG datavg.


Removes the mirrors that exist on VGs or specified disks.
unmirrorvg rootvg : default unmirroring of rootvg (rootvg now has only 1 copy).


Imports a new VG definition from a set of PVs.
It is highly recommended that you run the fsck command before you mount the file systems.
importvg -y datavg hdisk9 : imports VG datavg from PV hdisk9.
importvg -y uservg 0009898xy2727d4f : imports VG uservg from PV with PVID 0009898xy2727d4f.
importvg -L datavg : imports VG datavg and learns about possible changes. Use if the VG was not exported and used on another machine.


Exports the definition of a VG from a set of PVs.
exportvg datavg : removes VG datavg from the system.


Redefines the set of PVs of the given VG in the device configuration database.


Adds PVs to a VG.
extendvg datavg hdisk2 : adds PV hdisk2 to VG datavg.


Removes PVs from a VG. When all PVs are removed from the VG, the VG is deleted.
reducevg datavg hdisk3 : removes PV hdisk3 from VG datavg.
reducevg datavg 000005265ac63976 : removes PV using it's PVID 000005265ac63976 from VG datavg (use when a disk was removed without first running reducevg).


Reorganizes the PP allocation for a VG. Using the reorgvg command with the VG name and no other arguments reorganizes only the first LV in the VG.
reorgvg datavg lvdata1 lvdata3 : reorganizes LVs lvdata1 and lvdata3 on VG datavg.


Recreates a VG (with unique IDs, names, and mount points) on a set of disks that are mirrored from another set of disks. Imports and varies on the VG. Procedure after the real duplication of the PV (like mirroring):
chdev -l hdisk5 -a pv=clear : to avoid potential collisions of LVM component names (PVID, VGname, ...) of hdisk5.
recreatevg -y newvg -L /newfs -Y newlv hdisk5 : newvg is the newly assigned VG name, /newfs and newlv are used for prefixes of the newly assigned file systems and LVs, and hdisk5 is the duplicated target PV name.


Splits a single mirror copy of a fully mirrored VG.
splitvg -y snapvg -c 2 datavg : splits second mirror copy of the VG datavg and creates snapshot VG snapvg.


joinvg datavg : joins the the original VG datavg with the snapshot VG snapvg.


Deactivates a VG.
varyoffvg uservg : deactivates the VG uservg.


Activates a VG.
varyonvg -f datavg : used to force a varyon on VG datavg even when inconsistencies are detected (between the configuration data for each VG held in the ODM database and VGDA.
varyonvg -r uservg : varies on VG uservg in read-only mode.

System Paging Space Management


Lists paging space and attributes. Configuration file: /etc/swapspaces (contains a list of swap devices).
lsps :
Changes attributes of a paging space.
chps -a {y|n} paging00 : specifies that the paging space paging00 is active (y) or inactive (n) at subsequent system restarts.
chps -s 10 paging02 : adds ten LPs to paging02 without rebooting.
chps -d 5 paging01 : removes five LPs from paging01 without rebooting.
chps -d 50 hd6 : removes fifty LPs from hd6 without rebooting.


Adds an additional paging space to the system.
mkps -a -n -s20 datavg : creates a permanent paging space pagingxx in VG datavg of 20 LPs and activates it immediately.


Removes a paging space from the system (exept hd6).
rmps paging00 : removes deactivated paging space paging00.


Deactivates one or more paging space.
swapoff paging01 : deactivates paging space paging01.


Activates a paging space.

swapon paging01 : activate paging space paging01.
swapon -a : activates all paging spaces defined in /etc/swapspaces.
Displays paging characteristics and enables the allocation and deallocation of paging devices.
swap -l : displays device, major and minor numbers, and total and free space.
swap -a /dev/paging01 : activates paging space paging01 (like swapon).
swap -d /dev/paging01 : deactivates paging space paging01 (like swapoff).


migratepv -l hd6 hdisk0 hdisk2 : moves hd6 from hdisk0 to PV hdisk2 within the same VG (always use VG rootvg for hd6 performance).

Communications Management

Script that initializes selected TCP/IP daemons using SRC at each system restart: inetd, lpd, portmap, sendmail, syslogd (started by default) and gated or routed, named, timed, xntpd, rwhod, snmpd, dhcpcd, mrouted, autoconf6 (not started by default unless they are uncommented).
stopsrc -g tcpip : stops all running TCP/IP daemons.
stopsrc -s named : stops the named daemon.
/etc/rc.tcpip : starts all selected TCP/IP daemons. Don't use startsrc -g tcpip (would start all subsystems in the tcpip group).
startsrc -s named : starts the named daemon.
refresh -s inetd : refresh the inetd subsystem (re-reads /etc/inetd.conf).
/etc/tcp.clean sh /etc/tcp.clean : stops all running TCP/IP daemons (not portmap and nfsd) and removes all /etc/locks/lpd TCP/IP lock files.
inetd daemon
Provides Internet service management for a network. Starts by default using the /etc/inetd.conf configuration file. Daemons controlled by the inetd daemon: ftpd, rlogind, rexecd, rshd, talkd, telnetd, and uucpd (started by default) and tftpd, fingerd, and comsat (not started by default unless they are uncommented).
resfresh -s inetd : informs the inetd daemon of the changes to its configuration file. The ports inetd listens on are in /etc/services (unless they are commented).


Displays devices in the system and their characteristics.
lsdev -Cc if : lists IP interfaces.
Displays configuration, diagnostic, and VPD.
lscfg -l ent0 -v : displays the VPD for ent0.


Displays attribute characteristics and possible attribute values for devices.
lsattr -HEl en0 : displays effective values for interface en0.


Shows network status.
netstat -in : shows status of IP interfaces with numeric addresses.
netstat -rn : shows status of TCP/IP routes with numeric addresses.
netstat -C : shows routing table, user-configured and current costs of each route.
netstat -v : shows device driver statistics.


Displays and modifies address resolution.
arp -a : displays local ARP cache (ip to mac address table).
Manages network tuning parameters. Changes are valid until the next reboot.
no -a : displays kernel variable values.
no -o ipforwarding : displays if ipforwarding is on (=1) or off (=0).
no -o ipforwarding=1 : specifies the kernel should forward packets (acting as an IP router).


Configures or displays network interface parameters for TCP/IP.
ifconfig -a : displays information about all interfaces in the system.
ifconfig en0 : displays network interface parameters for en0.
ifconfig en0 inet netmask up : assigns IP-address with network mask to interface en0 of address family inet and turns on the network card.
ifconfig en0 down : turns off network card en0.


Makes manual entries into the network routing tables until next reboot.
route -rn : displays route table.
route add -inet -net : adds a network route to the routing table for destination host through gateway


Displays attribute characteristics and possible values of attributes for devices.
lsattr -El en0 : lists the current attribute values for en0.


Queries Internet domain name servers.
nslookup : enters interactive mode.
nslookup nserver1 : returns the domain name and Internet address of nserver1.


Displays the route that IP packets take to a network host.
traceroute server2 : displays all the hops from local host to server2.

iptrace daemon

Provides interface-level packet tracing for Internet protocols.


Generates a trace report from the specified trace file created by the iptrace command.


Sends an echo request to a network host.
ping -c 6 server1 : checks the network connection to host server1 by sending 6 echo requests.
ping -f server2 : invokes the flood-ping option to host server2.
ping -R : displays the full round trip route of a packet.
Sends a one-way stream of packets to a host and reports performance statistics using the RPC (default) or ICMP protocol (two-way stream).
spray server1 -c 1000 -d 4 : sends 1000 packets at intervals of 4 microseconds to server1.


Resolves a host name into an Internet address or an Internet address into a host name. System files: /etc/hosts (local hosts table).
host server1 : displays the Internet address and name aliases of host server1.
host : displays the host whose address is
Sets or displays the identifier of the current local host.


Sets or displays the name of the current host system.
hostname tulip : changes the hostname to tulip until the next reboot.
chdev -l inet0 -a hostname=server1 : changes the hostname permanently to server1.


Sets the required values for starting TCP/IP on a host.


Displays which users are logged in to hosts (that run rwhod) on the local network.
rwho -a : lists all users currently logged in to hosts on the local network.


Displays the status of each host (that runs rwhod) that is on the local network.
ruptime -al : lists a status report of each host on the local network sorted by load average.


Shows name service information stored in the database /etc/resolv.conf (name resolver).


Changes TCP/IP-based name service configuration on a host.


Configures TCP/IP-based name service on a host for a client.


Unconfigures TCP/IP-based name service on a host.

User/Group Management


Displays all valid user IDs on the system.


Displays user and system login information.
logins -p : lists all the logins with no passwords.


Displays attributes of user accounts.
lsuser ALL : displays all the attributes of all the users.


Creates a new user account. System files: /etc/passwd (contains basic user attributes) and /etc/group (contains basic group attributes). The default attributes are in the /usr/lib/security/mkuser.default file.
mkuser erik : creates the erik user account.


Changes a user's password. System files: /etc/security/passwd (contains password information).
passwd hans : changes the password of user hans.


Administers users' passwords (by root or a member of the security group).


Changes the attributes in the security stanza files.
chsec -f /etc/security/login.cfg -s default -a pwdprompt="Password:" : changes the system-wide password (echo's user name) prompt to Password (doesn't echo user name.
chsec -f /etc/security/login.cfg -s default -a usernameecho=false : hides the user name from login and system messages.
Customizes a new user account.


Changes attributes for the specified user.


Removes a user account.
rmuser -p erik : removes user erik.
rm -r /home/erik : removes erik's home directory.


Displays all valid groups on the system.


Displays the attributes of groups.
lsgroup ALL : lists all groups.


Changes attributes for groups (don't use in combination with NIS).


Changes the administrators or members of a group.


Creates a new group.


Removes a group.


Verifies the correctness of a user definition.


Verifies the correctness of a group definition.


Verifies the correctness of local authentication information.


Displays information about previous logins using the /var/adm/wtmp file.
last root : display all logins and logoffs by user root.
last -t 31081125 : displays all users still logged in at 11.25 am on August 31th.


Identifies the users currently logged in.
who /var/adm/wtmp : displays a history of logins and logouts, system startups and shutdowns.
Writes a message to all users or users of a specific group that are logged in.
wall -g staff : broadcasts to group staff.


Summarizes quotas for a file system.
repquota -u /home : prints a summary of user quotas in the /home file system.
repquota -a : prints quotas for all file systems enabled with quotas in the /etc/filesystems file


Edits user and group quotas.


Displays disk usage and quotas.
quota : displays the quotas of the current user.
quota -u erik : displays quotas as the root user for user erik.
Checks file system quota consistency.
quotacheck /home : checks the user and group quotas in the /home file system.
quotaon or
Turns on and off file system quotas.
quotaon -u /home : turns on user quotas for the /home file system.
quotaoff -v -a : turns off user and group quotas for all file systems (-a) in the /etc/filesystems file.

Print Management

The AIX print subsystem (default), a combination of the System V and Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) printing standard, and the System V R4 print subsystem are available. Both print subsystems cannot be set to the active state at the same time using the normal procedures.
System file /etc/qconfig (stanzas that describe the printqueues and devices). Spooling uses the /var/spool/qdaemon directory. Daemon: qdaemon.

switch.prt Displays the current active print subsystem, or switch between the active and inactive print subsystem. Read also AIX System V Printing.
switch.prt -d : displays the current print subsystem that is active.
AIX print subsystem


Starts a print job.


Enqueues print jobs.


Sends requests to a line printer.
Enqueues a file.


Changes a print service configuration on a client or server machine.


Displays the queue stanza name.
lsque -q ps : displays the name of queue stanza ps.


Adds a printer queue to the system.


Adds a printer queue device to the system.


Removes a printer queue from the system.


Removes a printer or plotter queue device from the system.


Changes the queue name.


Changes the attribute values of a virtual printer.


Lists the names of all configured queues.


Lists all configured printer and plotter queue device names within a specified queue.


Shows print service information stored in the database.


Displays the device stanza name.

Changes the printer or plotter queue device names.


Makes a virtual printer.


Removes a virtual printer.


Configures TCP/IP-based print service on a host.


Unconfigures a print service on a client or server machine.
System V R4 print subsystem


Sends print requests.


Cancels print requests previously sent with the lp command.


Displays the status of all print requests made by the user.


Allows the queuing of print requests.


Prevents queuing of print requests.


Activates the named printers, enabling them to print requests.


Deactivates the named printers, disabling them to print requests.


Configures the lp print service by defining printers and devices.


Administers filters used.


Administers the use of preprinted forms.


Moves print requests between destinations.


Starts the print service.


Stuts down the print service.


Registers remote systems with the print service.


Set printing queue priorities.

Software Management
A fileset is the smallest installable base unit for the AIX operating system (example: bos.perf.pefstat). A package is a group of separately installable filesets that provide a set of related functions (example: bos.perf). A Licensed Program Product (LPP) is a complete software product including all packages associated with that licensed program (example: bos). A bundle is a list of software that can contain filesets, packages, and LPPs that are suited for a particular use (examples: CDE, KDE, GNOME).
Each fileset in a product can be divided into three parts: usr, root, and share. Parceling of a software product is used for diskless and dataless clients. Thus it can be installed on one machine (the server) and then be used remotely by other machines on a network (the clients).
The usr part of a software product can be shared by machines with the same hardware architecture (stored in /usr).
The root part (optional) of a software product cannot be shared by machines. In a client/server environment, these are the files for which there must be a unique copy for each client of a server. Most of the root software is associated with the configuration of the machine or product (stored in the root (/) file tree. The /etc/objrepos directory contains the root part of an installable software product's VPD).
The share part (optional) can be shared among machines, even if they have different hardware architectures.The share part of a product is always packaged in a separately installable package (stored in /usr/share).
The format for a software product level in AIX 5.2 is as follows: versionnumber.releasenumber.modificationlevel.fixlevel


Displays the Configuration Assistant wizard (graphics display).


Starts the Installation Assistant application (ASCII display).


A generic software product installer for installp, InstallShield Multi-Platform (ISMP), the Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) installer and Uniform Device Interface (UDI).
geninstall –Ld /dev/cd0 : lists the contents of the CD media.
geninstall -d /tmp/RPM * : installs all RPM packages in the /tmp/RPM directory.
geninstall -d /dev/cd0 R:cdrecord : installs the cdrecord RPM package.


Invokes the Web-based System Manager Install Wizard or the SMIT install menu.
install_wizard -d /dev/cd0 : invokes the Web-based System Manager Install Wizard using an install CD in /dev/cd0.


Allows software products of various packaging formats (installp, RPM, ISMP, UDI) to be copied. Wraps to the bffcreate command.
gencopy –Ld /dev/cd0 : lists the contents of the CD media.
gencopy –d /dev/cd0 I:bos.perf R:cdrecord : copies bos.perf and cdrecord images from CD media to the default directory (/usr/sys/inst.images).


Install, update, and perform maintenance tasks on software.
installp -aXYd /dev/cd0 bos.perf : installs (automatically committed) all filesets within bos.perf from /dev/cd0, expands file systems if necessary (-X), and accepts software licenses (-Y).
installp -pad /dev/cd0 X11.Dt : previews installation of X11.Dt from /dev/cd0.
installp -u -V2 X11.Dt : removes fileset X11.Dt with a verbose display of successes, warnings and failures.
installp -ld /dev/cd0 : lists all software products and their separately installable options on /dev/cd0.
installp -cgX all : commits all applied updates and removes the filesets for the previous version.
installp -C : cleans up after a failed installation.


Creates software packages in installp format.


Installs, upgrades, queries, and deletes Linux RPM packages and maintains the RPM package database (located in /var/opt/freeware/lib/rpm).
rpm -qa : queries installed RPM packages.
rpm -Uvh * : installs the RPM packages in the current directory.


Displays information about installed filesets/fileset updates.
lslpp -l : displays the maintenance level and state.
lslpp -L all : lists all installed software.
lslpp -L bos.dosutils : check if software installed.
lslpp -f bos.perf : displays the names of all the files of fileset bos.perf.
lslpp -ha : lists installation history of filesets.
lslpp -w /usr/sbin/nfsd : lists the fileset that the file belongs to.
lslpp -E bos.rte : displays the license agreements of the installed filesets.
lslpp -v :shows only the filesets that do not have the required prerequisites or are not completely installed.
Manages license agreements (front end).
inulag -l : lists all available software license agreements.


Creates emergency fix (efix) packages that can be installed by the efix manager, emgr.
epkg perf : runs the epkg command in interactive mode and creates efix package perf.
Starts the emergency fix (efix) manager, which installs, removes, lists, and checks system efixes. The efix manager installs packages created with the epkg command and maintains a database containing efix information. Databases are in the /usr/emgrdata/DBS directory.
emgr -l : lists all efixes on the system.
emgr -X -e perf.040503.epkg.Z : installs efix package perf.040603.epkg.Z and automatically expand file systems if needed.


Manages an existing installp image source.
lppmgr -d /images -u : lists all duplicate and conflicting updates in image source directory /images.
lppmgr -d /images -u -r : removes all duplicate and conflicting updates in image source directory /images.


Verifies that files of an installable software product (fileset) match the SWVPD database information for file sizes, checksum values, or symbolic links.
lppchk -v : verifies that all filesets have all required requisites and are completely installed.
lppchk -c X11.Dt : checks that file checksums and sizes of X11.Dt are consistent with SWVPD.
lppchk -l 'bos*' : verifies the symbolic links of all 'bos*' software products.
Compares fileset levels to those available and generates a report of filesets needed.
compare_report -s -r /tmp/LatestFixData52 -l : compares the software installed on a system (-s) to the report of available updates (-r) LatestFixData52, available from the support Web site at IBM.


Reports the latest installed maintenance level of the system.
oslevel -r : determines the highest recommended maintenance level reached for the current version of AIX.
oslevel -lr 5100-04: lists which fileset updates are missing if after installing ML 04 on 5100-03 the command oslevel -r still shows 5100-03 (so, preferrably no output!).


Installs filesets associated with keywords or fixes.
instfix -i | grep ML : displays all ML's installed.
instfix -ik "IY39231 IY38794" : checks if fixes IY39231 and IY38794 are installed.
instfix -k IY42424 -d /dev/fd0 : installs fix IY42424 from diskette.
Updates installed system software to the latest level that is on the media and verifies the current recommended maintenance level.
install_all_updates -d /dev/cd0 : installs all installp updates on /dev/cd0 and verifies the current recommended maintenance level.
install_all_updates -d /images -rc : commit installs all installp updates and installs any installable rpm updates in directory /images.


Displays the absolute path name.
whence nfsd : displays the full path of the nfsd program.


Displays identifying information in files.


Displays which fileset owns a command.
The bos.content_list fileset must be installed.
which_fileset topas : displays which fileset owns the topas command.
Creates a .toc file.
inutoc : creates the .toc file for the /usr/sys/inst.images directory.

Backup and Restore Management


Lists or restores the contents of a system backup.
lsmksysb : lists the contents of a system backup located on default device /dev/rmt0.
lsmksysb -f /dev/cd0 -s : lists the contents of a non-rootvg VG backup (-s).
lsmksysb -B : displays the volume group backup log.
lsmksysb -f /dev/cd0 : lists the contents of the system backup located on device /dev/cd0.
lsmksysb -f /dev/cd0 -r ./etc/inittab : restores /etc/inittab from the system backup on device /dev/cd0.
lsmksysb -r -d /tmp/etc ./etc : restores all files in the /etc directory of the rootvg backup on /dev/rmt0 and write the restored files to /tmp/etc.


Creates a bootable system backup of the rootvg volume group. Uses / (contains information on VGs, LVs, file systems, paging space, and PVs for an mksysb backup) and / (specifies requirements at the target system for an mksysb backup (INSTALL_METHODPROMPT, CONSOLE, DESKTOP, RECOVER_DEVICES, HDISKNAME, etc.).
mksysb -i -e /dev/rmt0 2>/tmp/mksysb.err : creates a system backup (-i generates the / file) while excluding from the mksysb backup the user specified files and directories in /etc/exclude.rootvg.
Procedure to restore /etc/inittab:
Find out the blocksize of the fourth image if not default:
cd /tmp
tctl -f /dev/rmt0 rewind
chdev -l rmt0 -a block_size=512
restore -s2 -xqdvf /dev/rmt0.1 ./tapeblksz
cat ./tapeblksz
chdev -l rmt0 -a block_size=[number in the ./tapeblksz file]
Restore /etc/inittab:
cd /
tctl -f /dev/rmt0 rewind
restore -s4 -xqdvf /dev/rmt0.1 ./etc/inittab


Saves the system state for reinstallation on the current system or on another system in the / file.
mkszfile : creates or overwrites /


Creates a multi-volume CD (or CDs) or DVD from a mksysb or savevg backup image. Supported are: bootable and non-bootable CDs in Rock Ridge (ISO9660) or UDF (Universal Disk Format) format. Only CHRP platform supports booting from DVD.
mkcd -d /dev/cd0 : creates a bootable system backup on CD-R /dev/cd0.
mkcd -U -d /dev/cd1 -V rootvg : creates a mksysb image (UDF format) on DVD-RAM.


Finds and backs up all files belonging to a specified volume group.
savevg -i uservg : backs up VG uservg to the default tape drive (dev/rmt0) and creates a new /tmp/vgdata/uservg/ file (-i).


Creates a /tmp/vgdata/vgname/ file containing information about a volume group for use by savevg and restvg.
mkvgdata uservg : creates a new /tmp/vgdata/uservg/ file.


Restores the user volume group and all its containers and files.
restvg -l -f /dev/rmt0 : displays VG information about the VG backed up on the tape in /dev/rmt0.
restvg -s -f /dev/rmt0 hdisk1: restores the VG image from /dev/rmt0 onto PV hdisk1 with the LVs created at the minimum size possible to accommodate the file systems (-s: shrink file systems).


Lists or restores the contents of a volume group backup. listvgbackup -r and restorevgfiles are interchangeable (perform identical operations).
listvgbackup -f /dev/cd0 : lists the contents of the system backup on device /dev/cd0.
listvgbackup -r -s ./data/mydata : restores the /data/mydata file from a non-rootvg backup on device /dev/rmt0.


Restores files from a backup source.
restorevgfiles -f /dev/cd0 -s -d /tmp ./data/mydata : restores the /data/mydata file from a non-rootvg backup on /dev/cd0 to the /tmp directory.


Backs up files and file systems including extended permissions (ACLs).
find . -print | backup -i -q -f /dev/rmt0 : backs up all the files and subdirectories in the current directory to /dev/rmt0 using relative path names, without prompting to prepare the backup medium (-q).
backup -0 -u -f /dev/rmt0 /home : backs up all the files (level 0) in the /home file system to /dev/rmt0 and updates /etc/dumpdates (-u).


Extracts files from archives created with the backup command.
restore -Pa -vf /dev/rmt0 : restores only the permissions of the files on the tape archive.
restore -s4 -Tdvqf /dev/rmt0.1 : lists contents of a mksysb tape.
restore -s4 -xdvqf /dev/rmt0.1 ./etc/inittab : restores the inittab file from tape.


Extracts, writes, and lists members of archive files; copies files and directory hierarchies.


Manipulates archives. Use /opt/freeware/bin/tar for the Linux tar.
tar -cvf /dev/rmt0 * : backs up the current directory to /dev/rmt0.
tar -xvf /dev/rmt0 /etc/passwd : extracts the file /etc/passwd form tape.


Copies a magnetic tape.
tcopy /dev/rmt0 /dev/rmt1 : duplicates tape from tape device /dev/rmt0 to /dev/rmt1.
tcopy /dev/rmt0 : shows the block size in bytes for each tape file.


Copies files into and out of archive storage and directories.
find /home -print | cpio -ocvB > /dev/rmt0 : backs up /home to /dev/rmt0 using absolute path names.
cpio -idmv cpio -i "ma*" "myfile"

Converts and copies a file.
dd if=/dev/rmt0 bs=128k count=1 | wc -c : reads a single block from /dev/rmt0 and finds out used block size.
chdev -l rmt0 -a block_size=512 : changes the block size of /dev/rmt0 to 512 bytes.
dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/tmp/fdcopy : copies the contents of the diskette into /tmp/fdcopy.


Gives subcommands to a streaming tape device. Default device is /dev/rmt0.
tctl fsf 3 : moves forward three file marks.
tctl -f /dev/rmt1 rewind : rewinds the rmt1 tape device.
tctl rewoffl : rewinds the tape and takes the tape drive offline.

ODM Management

ODM information is stored in the directories /etc/objrepos (default ODM directory, $ODMDIR env variable), /usr/lib/objrepos and /usr/share/lib/objrepos.


Adds objects to created object classes.


Changes the contents of a selected object in the specified object class.
Produces the .c (source) and .h (include) files necessary for ODM application development and creates empty object classes.


Deletes selected objects from a specified object class.


Removes an object class.


Retrieves objects from the specified object classes and places them into an odmadd input file.


Displays an object class definition.
odmshow CuDv : displays the object class definition for the Customized Device Database.

System Resource Controller (SRC)


Gets the status of a subsystem, a group of subsystems, or a subserver.
lssrc -a : displays the status of all subsystems.
lssrc -g tcpip : display the status of the tcpip subsystem group.


Starts a subsystem, a group of subsystems, or a subserver.


Stops a subsystem, a group of subsystems, or a subserver.


Requests a refresh of a subsystem or group of subsystems.
refresh -g tcpip : refresh the group tcpip.
refresh -s inetd : refresh the inetd subsystem (re-reads /etc/inetd.conf).


Changes a subsystem definition in the subsystem object class.


Adds a subsystem definition to the subsystem object class.


Removes a subsystem definition from the subsystem object class.


Adds a subserver definition to the subserver object class.


Removes a subserver definition from the subserver object class.

Process Management


The utmpd daemon monitors /etc/utmp for validity of the user process entries every 300 seconds (default). Default there is no entry in /etc/inittab for utmpd.
utmpd 500 : runs utmpd every 500 seconds.


Reports the list of processes and their child processes belonging to users.
who -l : summarises the current activity on the system.


Prints the current working directory of a process.
procwdx 21318 : displays the current working directory of process 21318.


Traces system calls executed by a process as, records the received signals and the occurrence
of machine faults. The output of truss can become very large.
truss -e -o truss.out whoo : runs the who command under truss including the environment content (-e) and redirects the output to truss.out.



Submits, edits, lists, or removes cron jobs for the cron daemon. The cron daemon logs its activities in /var/adm/cron/log.
Each crontab file entry contains six fields: minute hour day_of_month month weekday command
crontab -l : lists the user's crontab file.
crontab -e : edit the crontab file using an intermediate copy.


Runs commands at a later time.
at -l : reports the current user's scheduled jobs.


Runs jobs when the system load level permits.


Cleans up file systems by removing unwanted files. Remove the comment from the skulker entry of the root crontab to enable operation.

Performance Management

The base priority of a thread is 40. The nice value defaults to 20 for foreground processes and 24 for background processes.
The CPUs on a system are shared among all of the threads by giving each thread a time slice of one clock tick (10 ms).
Install the (base tools), bos.sysmgt.trace, bos.perf.perfstat and filesets. Commands no longer supported: bf (bigfoot), bfrpt, lockstat, stem, and syscalls.


Reports selected local system statistics.


Manages CPU scheduler tunable parameters.
schedo -o 15 : changes the time slice of one clock tick to 15 ms.


Binds or unbinds the kernel threads of a process to a processor.
bindprocessor 22358 2 : binds the threads in process 22358 to processor 2.


A set of tools and instructions for collecting the data needed to analyze a AIX performance problem.


A performance tuning utility for improving execution time and real memory utilization of user-level application programs.


Reports CPU statistics and input/output statistics for the entire system, adapters, tty devices, disks and CD-ROMs.
iostat -s 2 4 : displays four reports at two second intervals starting with the sum of all activities (-s).
iostat -a : generates an adapter throughput report for all of the disk adapters.
lsattr -E -l sys0 -a iostat : displays the current iostat settings.
chdev -l sys0 -a iostat=false : disable the collection of iostat data.


Reports input/output statistics for LPs, LVs and VGs for hot-spot management.
lvmstat -v rootvg -e : enables statistics collection for all the LVs in VG rootvg.
lvmstat -v rootvg : reports statistics for all the LVs in VG rootvg.
lvmstat -v rootvg -C : clears the counter for VG rootvg.
lvmstat -l hd6 : reports statistics for LV hd6 (paging).
See migratelp to move LPs from one PP to another on a different PV.

DOS files Management
Install the bos.dosutils fileset for the DOS-commands or install mtools (AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications).


Lists the directory for DOS files (default device is /dev/fd0).
Copies DOS files to AIX files.
dosread -a yourfile.txt yourfile : copies a text file from a DOS diskette and replaces each carriage return, line-feed sequence with a new-line character and interprets a Ctrl-Z as the end-of-line character.
dosdir | awk '!/There are/ {print $1}'|xargs -t -i dosread {} {} : copies every DOS file from a DOS diskette.


Copies AIX files to DOS files.
doswrite -a myfile myfile.txt : copies file myfile to a DOS diskette and replaces new-line characters with carriage return, line-feed sequences (-a). Ctrl-Z is added at the end of file.
for i in *;do;doswrite $i $i;done : copies every file in the current directory to a DOS diskette.


Deletes DOS files.


Formats a DOS diskette.
Mtools is a public domain collection of tools to allow Unix systems to manipulate MS-DOS files
Documentation: Mtools (HTML) or Mtools (PDF).

floppyd floppy daemon to run on your X server box
floppyd_installtest small utility to check for the presence of floppyd
mattrib change MS-DOS file attribute flags
mbadblocks tests a floppy disk, and marks the bad blocks in the FAT
mcat same as cat. Only usefull with floppyd.
mcd change MS-DOS directory
mcopy copy MS-DOS files to/from Unix
mdel delete an MS-DOS file
mdeltree recursively delete an MS-DOS directory
mdir display an MS-DOS directory
mdu list space occupied by directory and its contents
mformat add an MS-DOS filesystem to a low-level formatted floppy disk
minfo get information about an MS-DOS filesystem.
mlabel make an MS-DOS volume label
mkmanifest makes a list of short name equivalents
mmd make an MS-DOS subdirectory
mmount mount an MS-DOS disk
mpartition create an MS-DOS as a partition
mrd remove an MS-DOS subdirectory
mmove move or rename an MS-DOS file or subdirectory
mren rename an existing MS-DOS file
mshowfat shows the FAT map of a file
mtoolstest tests and displays the configuration
mtype display contents of an MS-DOS file
mzip zip disk specific commands



/usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -d : disables desktop logins (-e enables desktop logins).
/usr/dt/bin/dtlogin -daemon : starts the desktop login manager manually.
Initializes the X Window System.
xinit /etc/dt/Xsession : starts the CDE desktop from command line interface (customized version, if present).
xinit /usr/dt/bin/Xsession : starts the CDE desktop from command line interface (default version).


Abbreviations and Acronyms
APAR Authorized Program Analysis Report
CDE Common Desktop Environment
CHRP Common Hardware Reference Platform
CuDv Customized Devices object class (ODM)
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
ISA Instrumentation Systems and Automation Society
ISMP InstallShield Multi-Platform
JFS Journaled File System
JFS2 Enhanced Journaled File System
LFT Low Function Terminal
LTG Logical Track Group
LPP Licensed Program Product
LV Logical Volume
LVCB Logical Volume Control Block
MCA Micro Channel Bus Architecture
ML Maintenance Level
MWC Mirror Write Consistency
NIS Network Information Service
NVRAM NonVolatile Random Access Memory
ODM Object Data Manager Database
PB PetaBytes (1 PB is equal to 1024 TB)
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PdDv Predefined Devices object class (ODM)
PV Physical Volume
PVID Physical Volume IDentifier
PP Physical Partition
PTF Program Temporary Fix
RPC Remote Procedure Call
PReP POWERPC Reference Platform
RPM Red Hat Package Manager
SRC System Resource Controler
SWVPD Software Vital Product Data
TB TeraBytes (1 TB is equal to 1024 GB)
UDI Uniform Device Interface
VG Volume Group
VGDA Volume Group Description Area
VGSA Volume Group Status Area
VPD Vital Product Data

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